Chapter 27

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DST 1: ch 27

Dylan's point of view:

I don't know how long it has been. They moved me to a room, which has no windows. I think I'm getting sick to make this all that much better. I can't sit up, all I want to do is throw up at night. I force myself not to as I just go to sleep. Luke doesn't come see me after I was put in here. It has only been his father, Rick, that comes to check on me. I hear the heavy door open, but I don't bother to move or look to see who it is. I hear two sets of foot steps walking to me, but I keep my back to then curling into a ball. "Check her, make she she is healthy." I hear Rick order. Warm hands touch my skin making me flinch. These are not the hands I want touching me to comfort me.

    "Miss, I have to check you." I young male voice speaks. His voice is soft and inviting, but I know not to let my guard down. I just turn over to face him, and I hear him gasp. "I'll have to run a few tests." He tells me. I just lay mutely letting him do what he needs to. He puts the stethoscope on my chest making me shiver from its coldness. He moves it to my stomach, and his eyebrows furrow. He takes it off looking through his kit. He grabs things to draw blood, and he gently grabs my arm. I look to the ceiling as I feel the needle prick my skin.

    "I'm so sorry, miss." I hear him whisper.

    "Are you almost done?" Rick questions impatiently.

    "Yes. I have to run this blood sample though." He calls.

    "Fan-fucking-tastic." Rick mumbles. The doctor gets up leaving me here, and the door slams close behind him. I'm left alone here shivering now from him moving my blanket away from me. I wrap the blanket around me trying to gain some warmth. I close my eyes only to be met with those ocean blue eyes I miss. I hold the blanket tighter wishing he was here to keep me warm. Craving his warmth that his body has always provided.

The door opens again, but this time I only hear one set of footsteps. "Puppet, it's time to play." Luke's voice sends a chill down my spine. My eyes snap open as tears sting them, and they land right on him. The guy I want dead. He squats down next to me pulling at my blanket. "What happened? Did puppet lose her voice?" He taunts. I shake out of his hold not liking it. He yanks me to stand up making a yelp escape from me.

"Stand." He orders. I try to, but my legs shake. I haven't eaten in a while, and they only give me water every few days. I have no energy to stand or even really move. "Stupid bitch." Luke spits in my face. He pushes me down to the ground, and I land on it hard. I whimper from the pain making Luke scoff. The door bangs open to a furious Rick.

"What have I told you. Get out of here!" He roars. Luke rolls his eyes before walking out pass his father. "Lucas! Get the stuff." Rick orders looking over his shoulder. He walks in more letting the door close. He comes towards me making my body tense. "This is not going the way I planned, but I guess plans change." He sighs.

    I furrow my eyebrows not knowing what he means. He reaches out for me, and I become as tense as humanly possible. He helps me up and places me on the bed. He then wraps the blanket around me, and all I can do is track him with my eyes. "I'm sorry about this." He sighs. I look at him confused beyond belief, but my head snaps to the door as it opens. The doctor enters with his bag like before, but this time I know something bad is going to happen.

"What are you doing?" I ask watching him get stuff out mixing it together. He looks to me, and his eyes seem so lost and painful.

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