Chapter 21

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DST 1: ch 21

Dylan's point of view:

I walk into my house feeling oddly happy. Mason and I are together, and Luke is locked up. I am greeted with suitcases on the ground, and I can't help but grin. I hear shuffling around upstairs, and in the kitchen, so I try my luck in the kitchen. I try to ignore the sore feeling Mason left me with, and try to walk normal. I see my dad and brother in the kitchen getting lunch together.

"Hey princess." My dad greets, looking up to me smiling.

"Hi daddy." The grin hasn't left my face. I walk my best to the island before hopping on it.

"What has you so happy?" Seth asks. I look to him watching him study me. His eyebrow is raised as he tries to see through me.

"Is it because of Luke getting arrested?" My dad asks, looking at me in the same way.

"That's part of it."

"She's leaving?"

"Another reason."

"A boy?" My dad asks. I feel myself blush making them look to each other before they look back to me.

"You and Mason together?" Seth asks. I nod my head rapidly feeling myself blush even more. "At least you're happy." Seth smiles at me after I stop nodding my head.

    "Me too, but I'm going to need to talk to him." My dad says, making me roll my eyes.

    "Hey, dad how has your case been going?" I ask cautiously. He looks to me raising an eyebrow, but I can see what stress the case is giving him. He lets out a sigh looking down finishing up a sandwich.

    "Hard. They seem to keep it hidden really well. Luke won't tell us either where it is, but we will get it out of him." He says. I can hear the frustration in his face. He rubs his hands down his face, and I look to Seth. Seth looks at me cautiously making me roll my eyes. My mother and grandmother enter the kitchen talking to each other. They spot me, and stop talking and walking. Ever since the dinner with Mason they have been acting weird. They don't talk to me just stare.

"Rich, I'm taking her to the airport. I'll be home around or after dinner." My mother says looking to my dad. He nods his head and kisses her cheek. She hugs Seth, and my grandmother hugs both of them. They stop in front of me, and my mother just nods her head acknowledging me before heading to the front door.

"Bye." My grandmother quickly says before following to the foyer. I look to Seth confused as hell, but he just looks the same way. The door shuts, and we all just stare blankly at each other.

"Well that was awkward." My dad sighs. I look to him smiling a little watching him take a bite of his sandwich.

    "Why don't you ask Mason to bring Bear back." Seth says, taking his sandwich. I smile at the mention of his name.

    "Oh yeah, and he can stay for dinner." My dad cheers. I stare at him blankly finding his all too happiness strange. I raise an eyebrow at him as he just eats his sandwich like the happiest person ever.

"Okay?" I say more as a question. He grins at me a mouth full of food.

"Yay!" He cheers. Seth and I both look at each other confused, but just go with it.


As soon as I hear the doorbell I run to it. I quickly open the door and fall to my knees to hug him. Bear charges excitedly into my arms, and licks my face. I can help the grin as happy tears run down my cheeks knowing he won't have to leave me. I hug him tight feeling him squirm not being able to stay calm from his excitement. "I missed you Bear." I whisper into his fur. I can feel Seth, and my dad come up and all eyes on me.

Mason's Angel (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя