Vertically Challenged

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Lillian Linton was not short. She was just... horizontally proportioned. 

But that did not mean it was okay for her stingy boss to make her do this. 

Standing in front of the towering cabinets, she faced down, or in this case, up to her gem in a pillow. 

A seemingly innocent file nestled on top of an old cloth, its origin unknown, seemed to smirk down at her as she forced on her tippy toes, arms spread out to grab the parchment. 

After several minutes of hopping around and quiet grunts, Lilly turned to the lonely office chair hidden behind her ancient table. 

Storming over, she snatched the chair before dragging it towards the cabinet. Overcome with adrenaline, she forgot about the previous office "incident" that caused the frontmost right leg of the chair to chip shorter than the other legs.

Blindly, the woman clad in a simple skirt and blouse hopped on top of the rickety chair. A distant slam could be heard but she ignored the sound as she tried to balance on the wobbly chair. 

Once balanced, Lilly stretched out once more, leaning towards the golden file, only to be thrown off the side. Hands thrown out in an attempt to break her fall, she felt a rough patch on her left palm, followed by a painful groan, as she crashed against the figure next to her. 

Luckily, the figure caught a strong grip around her widened waist before steadying them once more on the floor. 

"LILLIAN!" shouted the man, white rage clouding his vision as he took in the disheveled woman in his arms, "What is the matter with you?"

His tone was cold and filled with anger but it was his red ears that caused the woman to burst into a fit of tear-inducing giggles. 

"Oh R-Rikkard! You're face! It's so pale but your ears are so red! It's adorable!" cried Lilly before leaning in to press a gentle kiss against the tomato ears. 

"You fell! Lillian, I told you several times to be careful, especially now with our daughter, but you continue to defy me!"

"Hey! It was you who asked me for that file! And I wouldn't have even fallen if it wasn't for your jealous scene that day, my chair would have been perfectly capable!"

"I was not jealous!" exclaimed the man, still shook from his wife's antics. 

"And you have been told repeatedly to not do any strenuous or dangerous activities while pregnant! What if you fell?" His tone softened, concern emitting through the gentle words spoken from the man's emotionless face. 

The humor in the room vanished as the true consequence of what might have happened seeped into the brains of the occupants.

"Y-you're right, Dick. I wasn't thinking. I might have actually hurt our son!" The woman quietens as she gently rubs the growing swell on her abdomen. 

"It's okay. All that matters is you and the baby are safe." The couple falls into silence as they embrace each other, reveling in relief of the danger that passed. 

"Also, what file are you trying to get? I brought all the possible files I might need down to the bottom shelves for you when you started working here."

"You asked for 656X. And excuse me! You think I'm short?"

"Sweetheart, of course I don't think you're short! I know you are. It's just a fact. Also, that is not 656X."

Turning around, the man plucked out a file from the middle shelf of the cabinet. Only the front, bolded were 656X.

Lilly's mouth dropped open as the man bent down to give her a soft kiss.

"Then what's that file?"

Craning his head to peek at the file in question, the business magnate paled as he read, Ambrosian Waste Disposal Squad.


I don't know why I updated. But here it is. Also, ^ the real squad goals. 

If you want another update say AYE!

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