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So I redid this. I tried to add a little bit more stuff. Idk, I can't write, I'm not creative, and I am doing this at my Co-Op placement. Ooooh rebel!
Rikkard is not a very patient man, regardless of what he said. So as he stood in front of the bathroom, feet tapping away, he exhaled an annoyed breath before knocking once more.

"Lilly, are you done?"

His darling wife has been in the bathroom for 10 minutes now, and it is starting to get on his nerves. He pulls out his phone and checks his email once more, desperate to ease his nerves.

Finally, the door opens to a flushed girl. Her hair tendrils curl around her face, and her red cheeks hint at her husband.

From behind her, she pulls out a stick.


"Baby... I think we're gonna have one."

And that's how the richest man of 2016 fainted. His "lovely" wife spent more time laughing at his unconscious form than being concerned about her baby daddy.


"Lilly we're going to the gynecologist right now. We need to make sure my heir wasn't harmed by your crazy."

Lilly wiped the stray tears from the corners of her eyes, trying to suppress the giggles that threatened to break out due to the large bruise on her husband's forehead.

"You're a joke. Who faints when they hear they're about to have a child? You're not even the one who is going to have a human being in you."

Rikkard narrows his eyes at the love of his life, attempting to threaten the lunatic the way he threatens the world; undoubtedly failing.

"You'll have a little bit of me in you if you don't shut up."

Lilly's giggles abruptly stop her flushed face changes into a mischevious smirk.

"I don't mind."

And she didn't.

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