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Yo check this chapter out on the actual contest book I had to make so I get the votes and reads on that 😂😂😂.

The day began on a bright Wednesday morning. As usual, Lilly Linton was running a hole on the floor fetching multiple files for the silent businessman in the other room.

She itched with anticipation as she waited to ask her strict boss for an early leave. Patsy had ordered Lillian to join their protesting in the park at 4 pm and it was currently 12:30 pm. She was running out of time to ask her employer for her leave and she was gaining confidence to barge in an demand to the hard-headed man.

After almost toppling off the chair in attempts to reach some higher files, the cross-dressed feminist proceeded to stomp to the door separating the offices of two stubborn lovers.

"Mr. Ambrose, sir. I need to speak to you," Lilly announced, roughly knocking on the wooden door. She was sure she would get a hearing about damaging the door later.

Unsurprisingly, she was met with silence. Lilly contemplated returning to her work, leaving her employer undisturbed, but ultimately decided it's unbecoming of her. In an attempt of communication, she proceeded to send her dear employer a final note requesting his attention.

Dearest Mr.Ambrose,                                                                                                                                                          Seeing as you have continued to ignore my calls, I have no choice but to use my keys and come in. What I want to discuss with you must be dealt with a cool head and therefore, I must ask you to allow me to speak.

With the utmost sincerity,

Miss Lillian Linton.

She waited a couple of minutes to ensure her employer received her warning before proceeding to take out her key ring. At the jingle of her keys, she heard the scraping of her employer's chair and thus hurried to stop him before he escaped. By the time she got in, Mr. Ambrose succeeded in fleeing to the bathroom, putting another door between them to avoid the conversation.

"Damn you! Why won't you just talk to me?"

Through the door came the muffled response, "Because Mr. Linton I know what you want to talk about and the answer will remain no. You may not have an early leave or a day off. Now show yourself out before you waste anymore of my time."

Huffing in annoyance, Lilly decided to wait him out, going around the table and taking his seat. The old wooden chair was hard and uncomfortable, proving once again that the only person who can sit on it for hours must be made of stone.

After minutes of stubbornness from the pair, Lilly took to tinkering with the papers and pen that lay on the skinny table.

A flash of white from one of the drawers caught her eye and as she leaned forward, she registered it as the slips of paper the pneumatic tubes used for communication.

Slowly, our heroine reached for the cabinet, sliding the drawer open to see it filled to the brim with notes. Lifting the paper caught on the top, she read the message,

"Dearest Mr.Ambrose,                                                                                                                                                          Seeing as you have continued to ignore my calls, I have no choice but to use my keys and come in. What I want to discuss with you must be dealt with a cool head and therefore, I must ask you to allow me to speak.

With the utmost sincerity,

Miss Lillian Linton."

That's the message she just sent. Why would it be in an isolated drawer?

Digging through the piles of slips that were gathered in the stuffed cabinet, Lilly kept pulling out only messages she sent him.

After emptying half of the drawer's content onto the floor, she heard the creak of the bathroom door.

"Mr. Linton, I see you still have not-" Mr.Ambrose froze on his spot, stiffer than the statue of King Midas he owns.

As Lilly looked up to her boss, she could see his eyes had widened 0.000237%, a record for the man of stone.

"Sir, what is all this?"

Gathering his cool, Mr. Ambrose looked at his cross dressed secretary with an icy stare and replied in a calm voice, "I don't see how it is any of your business, Mr. Linton. Now, if you may return-"

"No! Not my business? Since my notes are in there I demand to know why they are saved in a drawer?"

Frantically searching his mind for an alibi, the business magnate responded, "Recycling, Mr. Linton. Paper costs money and it makes no sense to throw away a slip of paper with a perfectly clean back. Now, if you will return to work. Immediately."

Gathering herself, Lillian nodded to herself and proceeded towards the door until another thought clicked on her mind.

"Excuse me, Sir. Recycling is all fine and dandy but why are there only my notes? I know for sure you receive an update from the finance department every half an hour."

At that claim, Mr. Ambrose froze once again.

"You know what, Mr. Linton. I have understood your predicament and I will grant you an early leave today. Show yourself out."

Joy replaced the curious thoughts that lingered in our heroine as she sped away from the Empire House.

Mr. Ambrose followed her rushing body with his eyes as he watched her speed away to her house in order to change for her protest.

Leaning back against his hard chair, the billionaire sighed in relief.

That was a close one.
Hello. This is my contribution to Sir Rob's competition for a Storm of FanFiction. This is meant to be lighthearted and cute. I tried to emphasize his calm attitude in awkward situations and show Lilly's feminist side. I've been so lazy this took me a month to write. Sorry.

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