The Wrath of the Breeder

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This is inspired by @theavadakedavra's fanfiction, Raging Storms and Deadly Silence, Hot Coca. Her fanfictions are really good, especially the Ifrit Series. Check that out! And I know I said I'll update on Thursday but, I went out with friends and ended up getting super sick. Literally, I got a fever for the first time in 11 years. Whoops?


Rikkard Ambrose has never been a fan of sweets.

It was much too strong for his taste and the simple thought of a sugary treat had his blood clot.

However, recently the man's home was filled with chocolaty provenders over his normal bread and water. With his beloved wife's pregnancy came the brandishing of all things chocolate and the numerous cabinets in their estate, inherited from Rikkard's side of the family thank you very much, overcrowding with all flavors of sweets.

Now, Rikkard wasn't a hard man to please when it came to diet. Just give him something that will keep him nourished and be working and he was good to go.

But, recently the man's mind had been slipping elsewhere, more specifically, to the cabinets in his home. The forbidden cabinets that contained the key to his wife's heart, for now.

Rikkard would find himself unconsciously reaching for the goods. But that can never happen as hell hath no fury like Lilly's regarding food. So Rikkard, for the sake of their future children, kept his desire in and avoided the kitchen altogether.


Rikkard woke in the middle of the night to his wife's sobs. His drowsy state escaped him at the speed of light as he turned his crying wife towards him, keeping her in a cocoon of his arms.

"What is the matter? Is it the baby? Are you okay?" he questions the woman in subject in a panic-stricken tone.

"N-n-noooooo," Lilly wails as she breaks down into another round of tears. "I-I-I had a d-dream wh-where the CHOCOLATES were after me! They were chasing me with these claws and fangs, and-and I would've been fine, I'm a feminist after all. But they were after our BABY! Rikkard! Our baby! I ca-can-"

Rikkard looks humorlessly at his wife, who managed to give his 27-year-old self a heart attack fit for a flapdoodle.

"Lilly, for hell's sake what is the matter with you? I was genuinely worried something happened. This is an irrational fear that you must dismiss from your mind at once!" He rebuked his comical wife.

"How?" Lilly questioned, glaring parasols at her stone headed husband.

After 4.98783 seconds of silence, a devious grin crept onto the, usually stoic, man's face.

"I'll show you," he whispered seductively before pouncing on his wife.


The next day, our statue of a man appeared to be in a pleasant mood, probably derived from this morning's activities with his lovely wife.

Just as he stepped into the kitchen, a different desire filled him. Not one for his wife but instead for her treasure.

She cried about the evil chocolates yesterday, right? She probably won't even eat them anymore. What's the harm in trying a few?

For once, Rikkard's subconscious mind won over and the miser prowled at the wooden cabinets that hid away the object of his hunger.

After several minutes of scavenging through the food, he struck gold.


A blood-curdling scream erupted through the Ambrose estate as Rikkard stepped out of the shower, wrapped only in a towel. At once he took off towards the sound, heart pounding at the thought of his wife or their unborn child in any harm.

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