Brother of the Year

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"Loulou, get off the floor at once!" the seven-year-old brother rolled his eyes at the antics of his dumb kid sister. 

The three-year-old in question remained sprawled on the floor, her eyes shut closed as her little pink tongue imitating a corpse as she laid "dying".  

"Jesse! I'm dying! I'm in serious mal-health! You have to cut it off!"

"What are you, nuts? No! Loujain! Get up right now! We are not calling the doctor because you stubbed your toe on your, dollie."

The toddler sprung fro the floor and pathetically limped towards her brother as she cried, "Jesse, it hurts! I don't like it!"

Jesse Ambrose rolled his eyes at that. Oh, of course, beautiful doesn't like it. Her majesty must always have it her way.  As his parents were away on a short business trip in London and their nanny was busy planning for her wedding, that left poor Jesse in charge of taking care of his three-year-old baby sister. A dramatic three-year-old sister, Jesse thought with a sigh. 

Throwing herself into her brother's arms, her child sobbed against her brother's chest, wiping her nose on his new 23-day old vest, which was in mint condition prior to the assault. 

Tossing his sister into a chair, leading to a loud cry from her, Jesse stood in front of the sobbing child.

Just as he was about to grab her, the door opened and a couple entered the house, the man's immediate reaction asking, "What happened?" as the doting mother worriedly asked, "Jesse, why is she crying?" 

The father closed the door and beelined towards his daughter, stealing her from her mother's arms before embracing her towards his chest.

"Beautiful, what happened?" the loving father whispered to her as he rocked the child, hoping to cease his child's cries. 

"Daddy! My baby pinkie toe! It hurts 'cuz I stubbed my baby pinkie toe, this one right here," the zealous child raised her right leg to show her daddy she hurt baby pinkie toe.

The doting uncle, Karim, stepped in to take care of his precious little beautiful. 

"Soni, we'll put some ice on your little toe, okay?"

The toddler sniffled in agreement, "Okay, Uncle Karim, thank you."

Leaving a kiss upon her head the bodyguard rushes out of the room to retrieve some ice for the child. 

Lillian kneels in front of her hurting daughter, upset to see her chid fraught, and takes off the kid's shoes to better inspect her toe. 

"Rikkard! Look at her toe!"

And indeed, in place of the child's smooth tan skin was a purple bruise stemming from her little toe. Upon seeing her injury, the child once again erupted in a burst of tears, which were soon appeased by her father lovingly rubbing the young child's back as he laid kisses to her head of brown locks. 

"It's going to be okay, beautiful. Loujain, you are Miss Ambrose, are you not? And-"

"I h-have to r-re-present our family. I am the richest little girl in all of London after all," the proud Ambrose interrupted her father. 

Jesse Ambrose stood at the side, shocked to see that for once his overdramatic baby sister wasn't being overdramatic. She was hurt. And he, her older brother who was supposed to take care of her, failed her. 

Ashamed and embarrassed, the young boy turns away to hide his tears, however not escaping his mother's attentive eyes. 

Leaving her husband to tend to her little girl, Lilly headed towards her firstborn, her baby boy. Crouching down beside her son, the young mother embraces her baby.

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