Episode 19| Sweet Like Cotton Candy

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Sophia's P.O.V

"We should've gone inside," Nicolas brought-up for the tenth time. He sat on the passenger side. I regretted letting him take the seat, but he called shotgun as if we were transported back to our middle school days. "We could've been in and out in less than five minutes."

"Can you drop it already? I didn't want to go in."

"What are you guys talking about?" Lora asked from the backseat.

I glanced at her from my mirror. "It's nothing."

I did a double take. Brooklyn was twiddling her thumbs on her lap, glimpsing out her window. She hadn't spoken much since we got in the car. Matter of fact, she hadn't said anything since we met up at Nicolas' place. She was fine at first, but after she had a brief talk with Nicolas in the kitchen, she walked into the living room like she had endured a battle.

I hoped she was all right. I'd have to ask Nicolas later to see what he said to her to make her so upset. I wished he wasn't so harsh. His bluntness was fine in small amounts, but all at once it felt like cruelty.

"Here we are." I called out. My car wheezed in to the parking lot set out for the carnival. Twinkling lights lined up the shoreline. The Ferris wheel shimmered in the middle of the carnival, illuminating the sky as the sun dipped into the ocean's horizon.

"Sophia," Brooklyn said, talking in a mousy tone.

Lora and Nicolas headed out the car long before she said my name. "Yes?"

Brooklyn parted her lips and she stayed like that for what felt like a century.

"Brooklyn? What is it? Spill it."

"I...don't know how to say it. It's hard," she addressed. "It shouldn't be, but it is. You know?"

"No, I don't," I disagreed and yanked the keys out, pushing the car door open. "What is it you're trying to say? Staring blankly isn't working."

"I told you. I don't know how to be up front about this and ask you-ask you if you hate me."

I averted my gaze. "Nicolas."

"Is that a yes?"

"No," I proclaimed, faintly-studying the people walking past my car. "I don't hate you."

She grumbled. "You don't sound very convincing. You sound doubtful."

"Probably because I just got hit in the face with a really random, really pointless question."

Her eyes clouded, watering at the corners. "Wow. Okay. I'm happy to hear that you think our friendship is pointless."

"Brooklyn, you interpreted that wrong."

She threw the door open, nearly hitting the car parked next to mine. "How else am I supposed to interpret that? I asked you a rather simple question-do you hate me. You couldn't look me in the eye."

Snatching up my keys and purse, I slammed the door. Her shouting would likely cause a scene. I went with a calm approach, speaking softly. "I don't hate you."

"Then why would Nicolas have a conversation with me, practically stating in black and white, that you're annoyed with me lately?"

I gulped.

"You do hate me!" she hollered.

"Shhh. You screaming that isn't going to solve anything," I hushed at her. "I don't hate you. Sometimes I get...disappointed with what you say or do, but I don't hate you."

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