Episode 61| Killjoy Pt. 2

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Sophia's P.O.V.

Holding Bryce's hand and going for the exit, I kept my lips sealed. He asked again, wondering what I was trying to hint at while sitting on the counter, but I didn't break my silence.

"You have to give me a clue," he pleaded, slowing his pace as we got further into the bedroom. "Just one clue?"

I merely shook my head.

"C'mon, that's no fun." He mused, coming to a stop at the foot of the bed. His hind legs brushed up against the sheets. He was facing me. "If the roles were reversed," he hummed into my ear, gentle removing the hair clip and causing my hair to cascade down my back in soft waves, "I would tell you every little thing running through my head. Because I know you like hearing me tell you how badly I want to bend you over and—"

I put a hand on his mouth, giggling. "When you start talking like that, you know it's hard for me to make you stop."

"Alright. I'll stop. I promise." He swore, playing with the ball of his tongue piercing, making me lose my mind even more. At the sight of that, I was a second away from begging him to do whatever he wanted to do to me. I recovered with my willpower intact– thankfully. "I don't see why you're not being as expressive as me though."

"Maybe that's where we differ." I remarked, glancing up into his impenetrable gaze that was fixated on me. "I'll tell you one thing."

His brow quirked. "And what's that?"

"Strip." I commanded, flicking the collar of his shirt. "Strip everything off."

"A little demanding today, aren't we?" Bryce's expression shifted, appearing utterly shocked. Despite that, he unbuttoned his flannel until it slid off his shoulders and hit the bed behind him.

Forming a fist, he balled up the fabric of his undershirt and tugged it from the neckline, yanking it from the back of his head, forward. My eyes widened and my hands gravitate to the partly unclad man before me, going for a kiss up the side of his neck.

Bryce swept my wavy brown hair off my shoulder. With his opposite hand, he glided his finger over my cheek, holding on to my chin and guiding my lips to his. A spontaneous burst of electricity raced up my spine, coming undone by the kiss. My head got foggy, disoriented by the passion and taking me off course on why I brought him to the bed to begin with.

  Stepping back, I rested a hand on Bryce's chest and pushed him on to the bed, climbing on top of him soon after, straddling his body. "You didn't finish stripping." I eyed his jeans.

"I was hoping you'd do the honors of taking them off for me," he supplied smugly. His hand floated to my top with one confidently on my hip. "While you're doing that, I can start on you."

"I like that plan of yours," I smiled, discreetly touched the front of his jeans. I didn't have to do that to know Bryce was hard. I could visibly see the front of jeans had grown tighter.

But a part of me, deep inside, wanted to do it just to be a tease. With the brief grunt that escaped his mouth, I knew my trick was working. I took it a bit further and wrapped my fingers around the length, rubbing his bulge.

Reigniting to kiss, Bryce slowly snuck into my shirt, unhooking the bra first. The two straps lowered on to my arm, sneaking out from inside the sleeves of my T-shirt. Taking the lead, I discarded my top and bra, letting them hang off the edge of the bed along with my cares and concerns from earlier that day.

Meeting my lips with the hollow of his neck, I made a path of kissing till I was facing the zipper of his jeans. Bryce sat up, wanting to do this on the corner of the bed, but I quickly instructed him to lay back.

Popping the button open, I struggled for a bit to get the jeans off. We laughed for a second and Bryce quickly helped to kick the denim and underwear off of him and on to the carpeted floor.

I'd never done this with anyone before. Yes, I'd slept with one other guy, not including Bryce. And I touched them when things got heated, but never had I gone as far as to kiss them in the most intimate places. To some, that could come off as strange. A lot of it had to do with timing.

I paused after grasping him, fully, in my hand. Both his palms flattened on the bed spread, staying alarmingly motionless as I stroked him, occasionally glancing up to his face to admire the ever-changing facial features. Touching the tip of my tongue to his shaft, I went upwards, and pushing him in mouth. I stopped halfway, knowing I couldn't complete take him in- which annoyed me so I tried again.

I looked back at Bryce. He was in a trance and I couldn't help but fall in love with the way his breathing stilled and how he bit down on his bottom lip when I sped up and took him in further than before. I could feel moisture between my legs, reacting from the sight alone.

His face scrunched and his stomach muscles hardened. The hands that I had first observed to be frozen and at his side were no longer there. One gripped the bed sheets and the other gently tugged on my hair. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would've. Seeing that he was getting closer to the end, I picked up the tempo, both my hands and mouth.

Bryce exclaimed a string of words, followed by my name. I knew what would come next (no pun intended). I relaxed from my position, siting next to him with my legs closed. Letting Bryce have a moment to catch his breath, I take a short break to the bathroom to use mouthwash and then crawled back into bed with, kissing him on the cheek.

"We just killed fifteen minutes," I sang, snuggling up next to him. "Wanna grab some lunch? I'm hungry, but I don't know what I want to eat."

"I'm hungry, too." Bryce rose up and hovered over me, using his elbows to prop himself up. "I already know what I want to eat," he said assertively, hooking finger into the lacy material of underwear and pulling on it.


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