Episode 61| Killjoy

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A/N: I double updated so please read episode 60 first.


Sophia's P.O.V.

Wiping the blood from my busted lip with my wrist, I took one look at the smear of red on my skin. It was all that I needed to push me to the brink of madness. I lost it. I was no longer contemplating if I should or shouldn't seek out a less violent approach.

"You're dead to me." I sneered through clenched teeth, raising a hand to slap her across the face. We both tumbled to the hot asphalt. I quickly adjusted myself on top, sending my closed fist to her cheek, again and again. Adrenaline pumped through me, feeding me energy with the right amount of strength to continue this fight.

I couldn't see straight. I couldn't think straight. Bryce once told me how it felt to be in a fight, and how he couldn't stop himself whenever he started. I didn't get what he meant at the time, but I understood now. My knuckles felt numb, blocking the pain, but my arms never gave up. She made me bleed and I wouldn't stop until I saw her bleed, too.

A set of hands ripped me off of her. "Sophia, what the hell!?" Nicolas screeched, pushing me away from his cousin and on to the side of the parking lot. "You could've given her a concussion."

"She started it!" I screamed. "I wouldn't have touched her if she didn't punch me first."

"God, the both of you are in the wrong here. You were provoking her so she'd hit you."

"Maybe..." I muttered. "That still doesn't negate the glaring fact that she hit me first."

"Whatever. I'm done here." He picked up his cousin and helped her into the passenger seat, buckled her up, and then got into the driver's seat. They were gone faster than you could say killjoy.

Before they drove off, I got a glimpse of the damage I created on Brooklyn's face. She looked worse than how Remy looked after Bryce beat him to a pulp. I pummeled her with no remorse. My knuckles were caked in blood, mostly hers. The entire left side of her face was nothing but a downward river of crimson, dripping down to her collarbone.

I waited for a inflow of disappointment, but it didn't come. I wasn't embarrassed or mad at myself for doing what I did. It was odd and strangely satisfying.

"Am I supposed to feel like this?" I panted, catching my breath.

"You still feel buzzed from the fight, don't you?" Kelsey guessed correctly. "I get like that, too. You're still itching with excitement. It'll ease off eventually. Just relax for a bit. We don't have to go back to apartments yet."

"Okay." I got on to the hood of her car and so did she, resting her head on my shoulder.

"That was badass, Sophia. I've never seen you like that."

"Don't congratulate me." I played off how proud I was, but I couldn't even fool myself. I broke into a smile. "You thought that was badass?"

"Totally." She agreed. "Next time, don't let them get the first punch. Bryce said you're first self-defense class is tomorrow so I hope you learn how to dodge punches." She peered at the one mark Brooklyn left on me and gaped at the sight. "She really did get a good one."

"Is it that bad?"

"Yeah, it is. It'll heal up soon though." She hopped off the hood of the car and retrieved her car keys from her purse. "I'm more worried what Bryce will say when he sees it."

"He's only going to say one thing about it, but he won't be that serious. He's been in fights all the time."

Kelsey let out a big laugh. "You really are oblivious when it comes to how much he cares about you."

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