Episode 65| Out the Window

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a/n: If you can't remember who a character is, go to the character chart in the middle of the book. I specifically made it so readers can refresh their memory. Not many writers on Wattpad do this, so please take advantage of the fact that I spent my time to write that out for you guys.


Bryce's P.O.V.

"What are you telling her?" It was the first thing that came out of my mouth when I saw Agent Kerrington, strolling in and balancing a coffee cup in one hand and a thick brown folder in the other. Smugly, Grayson wandered in behind him with a folder of his own tucked under his arm. If I wasn't shackled to a metal table, I would've smacked that grin off his face. His eyes appeared gleeful, as though he found joy in seeing me in handcuffs again.

"What have you told her?" I inquired, gradually becoming agitated the longer they went without answering me. "Have you told her about the case you guys are building against her father?"

"We haven't told her anything." Agent Kerrington replied. "Matter of fact, she said anything all since she got here. She's a tight-lipped girl."

"You guys don't need to get information from her. I gave you everything you wanted."

Sophia, Nicolas, and I were asked to go downtown. Without resisting, we agreed to enter the three separate cop cars they had lined up for us. It didn't add up with me. They didn't tell me about this set up to have us all go to the headquarters beforehand. They said they were bringing us here for questioning, but I hadn't figured out what they needed from them.

I still haven't pieced together the reason to why they'd drag Nicolas into this. Was he doing something behind our backs?

"Why did you bring us here then?"

"There's a different reason as to why we we've brought you here."

"Oh, so you've got all of them locked up in interrogation rooms like me?"

"You're the only one in handcuffs." Grayson mused. "You're more aggressive and less persuasive than the others."

"Cut to the chase and tell me why you have us here." I barked, growing impatient. "You don't have a warrant to have us locked up here forever."

"That's true." Agent Kerrington nodded. "This isn't my case, either way. We'll let the leading officer of the missing case speak to you."

"Missing case?" I did a double take at the both of them, baffled. "Who the fuck is missing?"

"Remy Annenberg." Agent Kerrington replied. "Does his name ring a bell? It should. The leading officer on this case said that there were multiple witnesses that said you had a violent altercation with him a few months ago, meaning-"

"Meaning what? That I'd have a motive?" I scoffed. "I have better things to do with my day than to end the life of some preppy loser. I have too much on the line already with the other case I'm involved in. Why would I ruin that opportunity?"

"Ooh, there seems to be a lot of rage there." Grayson noted. "More of a motive to go after him. On top of that, Remy did date your current girlfriend."

"Fiancée." I corrected. "We're getting married soon."

Agent Kerrington choked on his coffee, mid-sip. "Is that so?"

"Yes." I said bluntly, not wanting to come off as more of a hot-head than I already had. I had to keep my replies shorter, hoping that would ease my temper. "Is that a problem?"

"No, of course not. I'm...shocked. That's all. I presume that means she'll be accompanying you in the witness protection program." He took another gulp of coffee.

"Yes, she will be entering the program with me. After the wedding, we're going to Las Vegas for a weekend. If that's fine by the department."

"That's okay." Grayson assumed. "We need you guys out here this week anyway. So, it's a good thing you're leaving temporarily."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"One of the other reasons why we wanted you here today was so we could tell you the bit of news we heard. One of departments in Santa Cruz called in, saying they spotted Audrey and Sophia's brother at a gas station off the freeway. There was a bit of a pursuit, but they lost them." Grayson stated, swinging out one of the chairs at my table and taking a seat. "They're driving on a highway that leads to Los Angeles."

"That doesn't entire answer my question though." I still hadn't realized what the true threat was. I wasn't afraid of Audrey. "Why is that a good thing that we leave?"

As if they knew something I clearly didn't, the two men exchanged glances. "Let me just put it this way." Grayson supplied. "It's best if you don't run into Audrey until we're all brought together in a courtroom."

Agent Kerrington, not allowing me time to digest this advice, clapped his hands together. "That's enough chit-chat. Stay here until the officer, leading the missing persons case, can come in and ask you a few simple questions. After that, you'll be free to go."

"Where is he now?"

"He's on his way to Sophia's interrogation room." Agent Kerrington. A shadow emerged from the hallway, stretching across the floor from outside my glass door. I looked up and saw the back of the head of a man, talking to a woman in a uniform. "Oh, that's him right there."


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