Episode 44| Your World, My Rules

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Sophia's P.O.V.

"I'm not sleepy," I announced the second we walk over the threshold, gaiting into Bryce's apartment. "Are you sleepy?"

"Not in the slightest." Bryce perched up on the armrest of his couch and unlaced his shoes, letting them drop to the floor. "But, we can't stay up all night. I get that we're stressed about Kelsey's wellbeing. She'll be fine though, and we can go see her tomorrow if they'll let us."

"Stressing about what happened with Kelsey isn't the only thing on my mind, Bryce." I found myself falling into the dinning chair I was hunched over, resting my head on the center of my hand. "I'm trying to process everything about today. It feels like it's a never-ending parade of bad news."

"We're nowhere near any of those negative people. You're here." He reminded me as if I didn't already know that. "Living in the past, or worrying too much about the future, seems to be a reoccurring problem you face."

"You could say the same about yourself," I said, rubbing my throbbing temple. "I want to live in the now, but there's always something that discontinues any positive thinking and makes me hyperventilate and work myself up on the possibilities tomorrow holds."

I hadn't quite yet thought about the consequences I'd face with my father back in the picture.

Him appearing at my mother's side tonight stirred up memories and emotions I hadn't dealt with in years.

Weeding through the cluster of thoughts was not something I wanted to waste my precious time on. Going back to not having him in my life was a more favorable alternative.

I'd gone long enough without him here, I was pretty sure I could go on without him for the rest of my life.

People did it all the time, sometimes not even having either of their parents in their lives. So, it wasn't entirely impossible.

"Can I use your shower?" I asked, rising to a standing position and using the back of the chair to assist me. "Maybe that'll help the strain in me."

Bryce's eyes brightened. He snapped his fingers and rocketed out of his relaxed spot on the armrest. "I have a better idea."


Bryce kept his lips sealed on what his grand "idea" exactly was. After taking my small suitcase of belongings into his bedroom, he walked out of his closet with two red and white towels. He kept his code of silence all the way down the stairs and out of the apartment.

"Where are we going, Bryce?" I asked, puzzled beyond compare to how lively he seemed to be. "Is there some secret level in the complex I'm not aware of?"

He flickered a knowing smile, tight lipped and all. "I'm not saying anything."

"You're really annoying me."

"You'll thank me later."

"No, I will not be thanking you because I have no clue what's going on."

"Not yet, but you will soon."

He led the way into one of the few doors on the fourteen level. I hadn't figured out where were going at this moment. We went up a flight of stairs and reached the roof of the complex.

A single glass door separated us from the dazzling skyline in the far distance. Los Angeles' skyscrapers looked captivating at night; when every twinkling light shimmered in the blue-black night, I felt at home.

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