Chapter 3: Explanations

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Chapter 3: Explanations

Bella's P.O.V

We finally got to the Salvatore's house, I parked my black beetle in the street, while everyone else parked in the drive way. I got out and locked my car, as I walked up to the door. Damon and the group were there already. Once Stefan unlocked the door, and we all quickly filed inside. I guess Damon didn't want to wait, because he went straight to the point

'' How do you know what we are?'' Damon growled. I was just looking at my nails, then looked up and shrugged.

'' Ask nicely and maybe I'll tell you.'' I said looking innocent. Damon snarled at me, while Stefan tried to calm him down.

''He sure has one hell of a temper.'' I thought to Emily.

''Yes he does. Isabella, stop playing your foolish game.'' Emily warned me.

''But I want to play some more.'' I argued. Ignoring Emily's reply. Damon said something, but didn't hear it.

''What did you say, Damon?'' I asked. Damon snarled again, losing his temper and lunged at me. My back was suddenly against the wall with Damon's hand was around my throat, slowly lifting me off the ground.

'' I said, answer the damn question!'' Damon growled in my face.

''You should try a breath mint.'' I replied, only for Damon's hand to tighten his grip around my neck. I started to cough, and that's when Stefan stepped in.

'' Damon, let go of her. You’re hurting her.'' Stefan pointed out making Damon drop me on the ground. I started to cough, sucking air back into my lungs.

''How do you know about us?'' Asked a soft voice. I looked up and saw a girl who looked like Emily.

''Emily?'' I asked. She looked at me wide eyed.

''No, I'm Bonnie. You know Emily?'' Bonnie asked.

''Let her see your hand.'' Emily's voice rang in my head.

''See for yourself.'' I said giving Bonnie my hand, which she took in hers.

''She's looking into your life, seeing what has happened. And what you are.'' Emily told me. Bonnie, then gasped and quickly let go of my hand. She looked at me with wide teary eyes.

''What?'' Damon demanded. Bonnie ignored him and pulled me into a hug.

'' I understand now. You're the only person still in contacted to Emily. And I'm sorry about Edward.'' Bonnie said. The mention of Edward opened the wound that was slowly healing, back up. I started to cry into Bonnie's shoulder. After I calmed down I looked at Bonnie and smile a thank you. She nodded back.

''You all want to know how I know what you are.'' I asked receiving a nod in replied.

''Simple, I'm your guardian angel.'' I announced. Apart from Bonnie, They all looked at me with wide eyes.

''You lie''' Damon told me.

''No, I don't lie. Unlike you.'' I said.

''Then explain.'' Damon demanded. I sighed and gave in, knowing that if I kept playing games, I'd end up dead.

'' You see I come from Forks, Washington. I was having a but time there and-'' I looked at Bonnie, she knew what I was talking about and I continued.

'' I was crying one night and my guardian angel, Emily Bennet came. Hold your questions. I and she were talking and she asked me to help her. I said sure, looking at helping her to get away from my past. She told me of a certain group. She told me all their life stories, and what was to come. Emily didn't tell me what exactly, but I said yes because she helped me. That's where you guys come in. Emily said I was to protect these people. Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennet, Caroline Forbs, and Tyler Lockwood, I am your protector. I'm your garden angel. I'm Isabella Swan, but call me Bella.'' They were shocked.

No one's P.O.V

Forks, Washington 3:40 a.m.

Charlie ran into the police station frantic. He just realized his daughter ran away. Charlie called all Bella's friends asking if they've seen her. Charlie got all the same answers, ''No I haven't, sorry.'' That's all he got. Now he was in the police station, reporting his missing daughter.

'' Sir, when was the last you saw Isabella?'' Police Josh asked.

'' This morning, when I left for work. When I got home she was gone. Nobody's seen here either.'' Charlie said.

''Ok Charlie, I am going to put Isabella as a missing person and a possible runaway. I'll give what I have to the news station to tell everyone to keep an eye out for her. Night Charlie.'' Josh said. Charlie got up and left.

Edwards P.O.V

I left her. We all left Bella. When I left her in the forest her eyes held so much sadness. We were back in forks. And when I say we, I mean my family and I. Alice went to apologize, but Bella wasn't home.

'' EDWARD!'' Alice screamed. I was down stairs in a flash.

'' Yes Alice?' I said.

'' Watch this." Alice said and pointed to the TV. She un-paused the television and the news played.

'' Today we have shocking news. The police chief's daughter, Isabella Sawn has gone missing. She is a possible runaway. If you see her please contacted us right away. Isabella goes by Bella. She has brown hair, brown doe eyes, and is pale. That is all. Back to you Jill.''

The news reporter said. My family and I were all shock, but we were all thinking the same thing, '' We'll find Bella.''

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