Chapter 5: Found her

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Chapter 5: Found her

Alice's P.O.V

Edward has been going crazy lately, since he can't find Bella. I went to Charlie to ask what happened to Bella, but he said he doesn't know. Jacob saw me and was angry. He blamed me for Bella's disappearance. I told him I'll call him if I got anything on her.

*Flashback of Jacob*

I was walking in town, and saw Jacob Black, one of Bella's closest friends. He saw me and walked right up to me, grabbed my arm and led me into the woods.

''You bloodsucking leech! It's your fault she's gone!'' Jacob yelled and his body was shaking. Damn he's a shape shifter.

''Jacob calm down. I'm trying to find her, so is my family. We never meant to hurt her Jacob.'' I said looking ashamed with myself.

''I swear if anything happened to her, treaty or no treaty, I will kill you and your family. Bella is my best friend and I'm not about to lose her, because of some leeches.'' Jacob snarled at me.

''If I get anything on her, I'll call you. Give me your number.'' I said.

''Damn right you will.'' Jacob said and gave me a paper with numbers and left.

Jacob Black


*End of Flashback*

And then there was Charlie.

*Flashback of Charlie*

I walked up to the door to see if Charlie was home. When I knock Charlie opened the door, and when he saw me he didn't look to happy.

''Alice, what do you want?'' He asked a little rude. I thought I was his favorite Cullen, that's why I came.

'' About Bella, I saw the news report and came to ask if she called or anything.'' I said.

''No, she hasn't.'' He took a breath. ''Isn't enough that you and your family hurt her? You all left her in pieces. I don't blame her if she ran away to get away from everything, because everything probly reminds her of you guys.'' Charlie said as if it were true. Which probly is?

''Then why put a news report that goes all over the world asking where she is, if you know why she ran away?'' I asked slightly confused.

'' I put a news report because I want to know if she is safe, were she is for my own sake, and if she is alone or not.'' Charlie said. I understand now.

''Ok Charlie, sorry to bother you. Please if she dose call can you tell me. I need to talk to her. Bye now.''

''Bye, Alice. And if Bella, no when Bella does call I will tell you.'' And with that Charlie closed the door and I left.

* End of Flashback*

I told my family what had happened with Charlie, not Jacob. I kept Jacob out of my mind so Edward wouldn't know the deal I made to the young shape shifter. Esme looked like she was ready to cry, Rosalie looked regretful, Emmet doesn't laugh or joke anymore, Carlisle looked sad and spent most of his time at work, and jasper looks bad. Jasper sometime has to leave because everyone's emotions. Edward keeps to himself, plays music, and tells us to stop thinking of Bella because it hurts him. I can't take it anymore, I need to see her.

Our Angel, BellaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum