Chapter 9: Becoming Your True Angel

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Chapter 9: Becoming Your True Angel

Bella's P.O.V

Have you ever had one of those dreams when you're in a dark and you hear voices? And when you chased those voices, they just got farther away from you? Then you realize your running down an endless hall.

Yeah, right now I was in one those dreams. Was I scared? Right now, no. Was I starting to panic? Yes.

The voices started to disappear. It was then I realized I was getting pulled away from the voices. I felt as if there was no air. I couldn't breathe.

Then everything changed. Now I was in a field. I had no shoes on, and I was in a white dress. The grass was spread all around and was a lively green.

Under my feet I felt the grass, it was soft and damp. The air had that fresh, clean smell. Birds chirped a beautiful song. The sun was set high, making this scene even lovelier.

'' Isabella, child.'' I turned to face Emily. Her face was sad and proud.

''I'm dead, aren't I?'' I asked. Emily gave me a funny look.

''Heavens no child. You are where I stay, in the middle.''

I was confused. Middle?

''The middle?'' I asked slowly.

'' Yes were your not dead, but not living.'' Emily said to me calmly. I nodded, starting to understand more.

'' Why am I here?'' I asked. Emily looked sadder now.

'' Let me explain.'' Emily began. I nodded my head.

''Your time has come Isabella. You've reached your goal.''

''What do you mean?" I asked looking at Emily in the eyes.

''My time has come Isabella. My power will become your powers. You have proven yourself to the council of the guardians.'' She took a breath in.

'' You will have the speed and strength of a vampire. Powers of a witch. Agility of a wolf. And your main power, your angel power.''

I looked at her to see if she would continue. She did.

''Your angel power will allow you to shift into any animal. Isabella you are the permanent Guardian Angel to the Salvatore's, Gilbert's, and Bonnie.''

''What will happen to you?'' I asked Emily. I wanted to make sure she was safe.

'' My soul will be free. I will be in the afterlife.'' Emily said smiling. Emily wants to be free.

''One more question Emily.'' I said. Emily nodded her head saying to continue.

''What happens if I die?'' I asked fearfully. Emily sighed.

''You can't died. It's nearly impossible for a Guardian Angel as strong as you, to be killed.'' Emily can over to me.

'' Isabella, it's been a pleasure knowing and guiding you. Now I will bid my farewell. Are you ready for your next step in your journey?'' I nodded. Tears in my eyes. Emily was saying goodbye.

''Thank you Emily.'' I whispered as she touched my cheek. Different surges of power overwhelmed my body. Emily's image disappeared for my sight as I went back to the darkness.

My body was hot, not like burning, but still it hurt. It was the power being passed on to me. I couldn't ask for help because no one was here. Only me. I was alone. Again.

Elena's P.O.V

Damon was holding Bella's left hand and I was holding her right hand. Damon has been acting weird. The way he looks at Bella is a way I've never seen him look at anyone.

Right now that's not at the top of my list. Bella still had her eyes closed. I tried shaking her, but she didn't even twitch.

The Cullen's had the never to stay here after the caused this. I looked at Carlisle. I rember Bella telling me the other day that he was a doctor.

'' Carlisle, you're a doctor right?'' I asked bitterly. He didn't flinch.

''Yes. Why?'' He asked. I thought he was smart, can't he see why I'm asking?

''Can't you check Bella's vitals or something?'' I asked. Carlisle looked deep in thought. Then he came over to me and Damon.

''Please let me check Bella's vitals.'' Carlisle asked nicely. I moved out of the way.

Dr. Cullen pulled out a light and shone it in Bella's eyes.

'' I don't see anything wrong.'' Dr said. Then Bella squirmed and her eyes shoot open. Seeing Carlisle right there made her scream and jump up to her feet.

'' What the hell were you doing?'' Bella screeched. Rosalie rolled her eyes. Bella saw and glared and the blond.

'' Cullen's, no one here wants you here so leave. You to Jake.'' Bella demanded.

''But Bell-''

''Leave.'' Bella snarled. The Cullen's left so did Jake. I wonder what got them so scared. Bella looked at us a grinned.

''What's wrong with your face?'' Tyler asked. Bella rolled her eyes.

''What's wrong with your face?'' Bella shot back.

''I just asked you that.'' Tyler pointed out. Bella looked away from Tyler. She clapped her hands.

'' Your happy why?'' Bonnie asked. Bella grinned.

''I'm your new permanent Guardian Angel.'' Bella said. Damon laughed.

''Our Angel, Bella.'' Damon said joking. Bella hit his arm playfully.

''That's exactly it.'' Bella smirked when Damon got quite. I squealed and hugged Bella.

''What about Emily?'' Bonnie asked. Bella looked away.

''She went to the afterlife.'' Bella said sadly. Bonnie nodded and left it at that.

''Well I got to get home.'' I said. Jenna wanted me back early today. Jeremy came with me. Bella left, so did Bonnie and Caroline.

I smiled at Damon's words about he described Bella.

Our Angel, Bella.

Our Angel, BellaWhere stories live. Discover now