Chapter 7

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Alice’s P.O.V

‘’Please buckle back up. The plane will be landing shortly.’’ The lady on the plane said. I did as told, so did everyone else. I looked out the window.

‘’Are you okay Alice?’’ Edward asked me. I looked at him and sighed.

‘’I’m fine. I just can’t see Bella anymore and I’m worried.’’ I said and sighed.

‘’Why are you worried? What do you mean you can’t see Bella anymore?’’ Edward asked, completely worried.

‘’I’m worried that Bella won’t accept us anymore. I mean when I can’t see Bella, I mean I can’t see her future anymore! It’s like she disappeared!’’ I said throwing my arms in the arm.

‘’Miss I’m going to have to tell you to put your arms down. This is a plane not a roller coaster.’’ A flight attendant said.

Emmet burst out laughing at me, so did Jacob. I glared at them both.

‘’Oh, just hush up.’’ I snapped at them. They laughed a little more, and then quieted down.

‘’Flight to Mystic Falls has landed. Please Exit to the door in the front, on the left. Thank you for flying with us.’’ And we got off.

Carlisle had rent a huge truck. It was really Emmet. We threw the bag into the back of the truck. Me, Jake, and Edward sat were the luggage was at. Everyone was inside the car.

Then that’s when it hit me. Bella’s scent. I smelled the familiar strawberry scent. Both Jacob and Edward smelled it too.

‘’Fallow that sent Emmet!’’ I screamed. The people looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was.

‘’Okay boss!’’ Emmet said and took off. Bella’s scent got stronger.

‘’She’s defiantly here.’’ Jacob said. Edward and I nodded in agreement.

‘’Yes. She is, but why?’’ Edward asked. We were passing a park. Then I saw her.

‘’Stop!’’ I said to Emmet. The truck came to an immediate stop.

‘’Right now isn’t the time to worry about lost luggage.’’ Esme said. I shook my head and pointed to where I saw Bella.

‘’Bella. Right there.’’ I pointed and we all looked. We all saw Bella with a group of people. Only we saw a Bella had blond hair now. Some of the people in that group, I sensed weren’t human. Not good. We listened into their conversation.

‘’Bella. What’s wrong?’’ A brown hair girl asked.

‘’She’s talking to Emily.’’ An other girl said. Bella head snapped to are direction, and then looked at the group.

‘’We need to leave. Now.’’  Bella said sternly. Everyone looked at her confused.

‘’Why?’’ A guy with Black hair asked.

‘’I’ve been found.’’ Bella said. They whispered things we couldn’t catch with are un-natural hearing. They all nodded and left. All took different directions and were going to the same destination. We fallowed the brown hair girl and the guy with brown/ goldish hair.

Bella’s P.O.V

After my episode of crying in the Salvatore Boarding House, Bonnie and Elena helped me get cleaned up. Caroline re-applied my makeup. Elena did my hair all over again.

Elena curled my now blond and black hair. The curls were soft and gentle. My makeup looked natural.

‘’Okay. Done.’’ The three girls said in elusion. We all laughed.

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