Chapter 1

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This is based off of a series of books but it isn't really important that you have to read them. If you get confused just comment and I'll try and help. Thanks for reading!

"The Selection is nonsense." I whisper and draw inside the diary my dad gave me. I hated him for even considering it and spending all that money on me like that, but he said it was important for a teenage girl like me.

I always made out pictures to resemble things. Metaphorically or just stick figures of my family.

"But why do I have to go for it? Because I put my name in and cleaned my face up for the picture." I drew what it looked like to be in the line waiting for the camera to flash for the other girls.

Last week my mother died and everybody still mourns. The week before that we lost our house due to my mother's carelessness. She would never buy what was necessary for us like food or good clothing.

"Camera crews don't dare come near here. Even if they knew where it was, they wouldn't come." I look around but nobody else is here. My brother Jason, sister Paisley, and father live with a few Eight's. They are better off than some of the Six or Seven families.

"It hurts." I hear a cry and then see a shadow of someone approaching.

"Paisley!" I cry and throw down the journal and rushed to the little girl. Two of the Eight's walk with her on either side. "What happened?" I ask and replace both of them.

"We walked into the market and we could see her being whipper in the middle." Of course she had.

"Paisley it's okay. The first one always hurts the most." I say and bring her over to the pile of fabrics that weren't soft anymore.

"It hurts so much, Char." She whispers.

"You've gotta let me clean them Paise." I whisper. She looks at me with round eyes like she pleaded for her own life.

"Charlie you've got to go meet with the people to clean you up for the Selection." Henry tells me.

"Can't that wait? She's my sister." I say almost in a gasp, but I knew I did have to go. I'd "forgotten" four times since the news flashed on the TV. We went to someone else's house to watch that night and immediately cameras were on the search to find me.

"You know this Charlie." Henry says. He's always been so dutiful. If he were to be drafted he'd make such a wonderful soldier too, but he only had a small amount of time left to go. What would the rest of his family do if he were to leave? Would the payments he got be enough? He was one of the Eight's we lived with. They were just as close as family really. We stole together and that's how we survived. We may only have little money and almost none at all except for Dads savings.

"Fine but take care of her alright. Paisley I'll be back as soon as possible." I whisper and kiss her forehead. I vaguely remember my first whipping. It was in the middle of the Marketplace and everyone was watching my bare back being scored over and over with the thin material that doesn't look like it could do much. I was only four and barely knew anything about stealing the apple.

"It was only one piece of bread, Char." Paisley says quietly. "I didn't know bread meant that much."

Everything was worse in the south. Ones here didn't have as much as the Ones in the north.

"It's okay. We all get caught eventually." I couldn't tell her not to do it again. She was one of the smallest and more likely to be able to steal more than the others. "I'll be back soon." I say again and run off to meet the photographers.

"Miss Sound." One person says and I turn to meet their eyes.

"That's me." I agree.

"Come with us now." He says. "We will get you prepared and go over the rules." I remember seeing his face last time we met. He gave me vitamins which id only eat half of and give the other half to the others.

I was led to the same house I was led to last time and nervously drummed my fingers on my thigh.

"Go ahead and sit." He tells me. I never knew who's house this was or who had to vacate every time I came, but I never saw them or never got to thank them.

"You got your vitamins Correct?" He asked.

"Yes." I nod and look out the window behind him.

"Now..." Then he goes on with a list of questions that I vaguely answer. "This will seem a bit intruding, but are you still pure?" The way he says it. The way he looks at me when he says it gives me chills.

"You mean am I virgin? Yes. That is the law is it not?" I ask.

"When will your father be meeting us?" He asks me.

"Should be anytime." I nod. As if on cue I hear the door open. And my dad walks in. He looks just like he did yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that. Tired. He still tries to make some spare cash for us by working in houses since we are still Six's. I prefer stealing or eating scraps a family may give us out of pity.

"Hey Char." He says as I stand up and hug him.

"Mr. Sound please take a seat." The man says. I roll my eyes slightly and sit down with my dad in the chair beside of me. These chairs are hard and made of firm wood while even the ground brings more comfort.

"Now. Every week that Charlie stays in the competition, you will get a check. You'll get one now and I just need you to sign saying you've received it." The man tells us.

"Really? We get payed for this?" I ask.

"Yes miss." He nods. I didn't see the actual amount but it made my dads eyes light up. "This may sound harsh, but you are now property of Ilea."

Hey guys! I'm really excited to be writing a Selection book so please don't be harsh I'm trying! Thanks for reading!

Royal  (A Selection Fan Fiction) (Book One in my Selection Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt