Chapter 3

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As soon as I looked up from my diary I noticed a girl beside of me and another in front of me. The girl in front of me looked tired and almost asleep.

"Sorry, I was entranced." I laugh. One girl seemed a bit tired and the other smiled while extending a hand.

"Hi I'm Emerald! You can call me Emmie or Em, but I don't prefer anything honestly." She says as I shake her hand.

"I'm Charlie." I smile, but try and keep reserved to myself. "I'm the Six." I knew people would think of me like that, but I didn't really have much of a choice. I was the lowest caste. I didn't know if the king and queen could, but if they could, they would certainly classify my family as an Eight for sure.

"I'm a Two. My dad owns a business you may of heard of him the Kinder production?" The girl was talking too fast and not even making enough sentences as she spoke. Kinder production was one of the top directing companies for movies.

"I have." I nod. Surprise surprise. I almost roll my eyes. I don't mean to, but I always seem to accidently judge people because of their caste and position they are in. I do though and I hate her, but I try and remember that I was a Three now. If I could win this I'd be a One.

I watched the girl sitting in front of me roll her eyes before closing them again.

"Your eyes are really pretty you know." Emerald says once again looking at me too closely for my liking. "They look kind of like the ocean."

"Thanks?" I say smiling uncomfortably. My eyes were always a deep blue unlike most of my family's grey eyes.

"I love your drawings in your diary too, but isn't art for Fives?" She asks me.

"It's a hobby." I smile.

"Well you're really good." I then ignore everything she says after like the other girl.


The palace was gorgeous, but I knew it never would and never really could be home. Maybe eating three meals a day would be a nice change.

"Sorry I didn't get to introduce myself on the plane. I try and avoid people like Emerald, but my names Tina." She says extending a hand. Her fine hair is pulled back tightly with a black elastic.

"I'm Charlie. Doesn't sound right with Lady in front of it though." I say laughing.

"It sounds fine don't worry." She smiles. "Are you ready for your transformation?" She asks me.

"I don't know. I don't want to change who I am." I shrug.

"I don't think you have to change anything if you don't want." Tina reassures me. As we walk through the huge doors we are led straight to the Women's Room.

"Send Lady Charlie to the third station!" A woman yells. I search my mind for her name but nothing comes to mind. 

People swarm me and it feels like I'm floated to a chair with one very beautiful women coming in front of me.  Her eyeliner was winged off the side of her eyes and her eyelashes seemed to touch Right below her eyebrows.

"What type of look do you want? Innocent? You seem to not even have hit puberty yet that would be easy." She tells me. Oh thanks.

"Just make me look more presentable." I say. My hair needed professional treatment terrible. My hair was easily thinner than most of the other girls, but it seemed the people around me had that handled.

"Can we dye you?" The women asks. "You could pull off blond with your eyes."

"No don't make me a blond." I shake my head. "Please don't do that." My hair was a dull brown but I couldn't go blond.

"Highlights?" I shake my head. "Ombré? No? Well what about just a less..." She grabs a piece of my hair. "Bland brown."

"Show me a picture." I press. She groans and brings me a paper with all different colors and points to one very close to mine just more vibrant. "I guess that can work." I shrug.


I step into the dress which was quite beautiful really, but maybe over the edge. It was a light blue that didn't match my eyes like I think they meant to. It had no straps but was lined with gems around the edges that reflected the light. Gems also made out a belt around my waste, but weren't quite at my waste line like they hadn't measured me quite right.

Although I wouldn't be seeing the prince until tomorrow morning, I felt like he would be seeing these pictures on The Report.

"Lady Charlie is ready for her after picture!" One of the women that had been working on me yells over to the camera man.

As I passed one of the mirrors I noticed how healthy my hair looked. It nearly shined in all the bright lights. My eye makeup was also a bit much and my eyelashes were coated in black while my eyes were lined with a black. Two jewels were glued on the side of each of my eyes.

I would admit I looked better than I usually did, but it wasn't really me. I was having a hard time in my heels and didn't feel confident with my height.

Cameras flashed everywhere and even more flashed when I was in front of the single colored wall.

I looked down to get the first look at my shoes. I had to pull the poofy skirt away from my legs to look at the diamonds.

"Close your eyes and look to the side Lady Charlie." One of the camera men said seemingly proud of his choice. "Hold your hair back too so we can get your face. There! Perfect!"

I felt like a model and didn't like it. I didn't like the attention either.

"Beautiful! Now you can go up to your room."

authors note!

Thanks for reading!

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