Chapter 64

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"I love you." He whispers as everyone claps and stands up. People start towards the door that led into the ball room.

The lights were still on in the room and the long table in the back was full of food with a wedding cake in the center.

Alex grabs my hand and leads me to the center of the room. The first dance was always reserved as the first dance for the newly wed couple.

Of course, the slow music started playing as everyone entered the room. This room too, had a magical, winter theme to it.

"I still can't dance." I laugh.

"Then you know what to do." He smiles at me and laughs. I step with my bare feet into his shoes as he supports my back with his hands.

"Your hair." He whispers. I could tell he remembered that day. "I like it."

I smile at him and wrap my arms tighter around his neck.

"I love you so much." Alex tells me. "I promise I won't ever hurt you."

"I love you too." I mutter. I lay my head on his chest. "When are we leaving?" I couldn't wait for it to be just us, wherever we were going.

"Just a few hours. When the weddings over." He answers. I nod and close my eyes, just trying to pull every memory of this day together so I never forget.

As the music to the first song ends I step off of Alex's feet. After a few more songs played it was time to cut the cake. It was, indeed, a beautiful wedding cake. There were three layers of creamy icing with a red velvet inside, because that was both of our favorite.

"You better not smash icing in my face. I'll murder you and so will my maids who did my makeup." I tell him playfully, but all aside, I really would murder him.

"I won't." He promises with a laugh.

It was calm with small conversations, but the cake was amazing and nobody wanted to take a break to talk when they could be eating.

The next familiar song comes on. This is the one I picked for the daddy daughter dance.

"You ready?" I ask him after I've found him. He smiles at me and walks me out to the middle of the floor.

"It's weird thinking you're all grown up. You were my first daughter and now you're never coming back home." He says frowning slightly.

"I'll always be your little girl." I tell him. He pulls out a golden chain from inside his jacket.

"I gave this to your mother." He takes my wrist and slides it on. "When we first met. She was a different person, you know? You guys just didn't get to see much of that part of her."

I realize then that even with all the money my mother wasted and how she never cared for us, he still loved her. He still loves her. He hasn't let it go.

"Thank you." I smile. "I appreciate everything you've done for us."

"I didn't do enough. You were all homeless–" he was cut off by a choke. I hug him.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I think I can speak for all of us. Paisley and Jason." I say.

"Thank you." He smiles and his cheeks wrinkle. "I'm going to have to leave soon. Just remember I love you, Charlie and I always will." He kisses my forehead and breaks apart from me. "Goodbye."

"Bye." I say as he walks off.


I hugged person after person, even the ones I had just been introduced to. I come up to Jason and hug him again. He's left this palace so many times with my family that I've memorized their hugs goodbye. This should be the last time.

"I'll see you in a few weeks." I promise.

"Enjoy the free time. When you come back you'll be a princess. That's a lot of responsibility." Jason whispers.

"I will. Love you." Then I hug into Paisley. "I'll be back and then you can move into the palace."

"You still have to talk to dad. I don't think he understands I don't want to go back there. Too much went on there." Paisley whispers as I hug her.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to him." I kiss her little forehead. She's become more social but still sometimes refused to talk to people.

"Thank you, Char." She whispers and hugs me again. I hug Addy next and she holds her head in my neck when I squat down.

"I'm glad you're staying." She says. "Be back soon."

"I will." I kiss her head to and stand up. I move over to my dad even if I'd already told him goodbye. "I was wondering if you'd thought about maybe letting Paisley live with me after I get back."

He has a look of sorrow on his face but it disappears.

"I knew she'd ask, but how am I supposed to keep her away? We lived in one of the poorest towns in the country." He shrugs.

"You aren't gonna keep her from coming?"

"How can I do that?" He looks at me. "How on earth is that fair?"

"I guess not." I frown and look at my feet. I came here ready to push for his only child left at home to leave home, and he didn't even want to fight.

"Louis and I are thinking about adopting." He whispers in a low voice to me.

"That'd be great, dad." I smile at him. "Have you got anything specific planned out?"

"One little boy. He hasn't got any ears and he lives in the town beside of us. Where Payton is from. She knew him well and his parents died." My dad shrugs and looks down. "I hope it works out."

"Me too. Call me when it does and we'll have you up so I can meet him." I smile and squeeze his hand.

"I love you."

"I love you too, dad." I hug him once more then walk out of the palace, hand in hand with Alex, to the long vehicle.

Royal  (A Selection Fan Fiction) (Book One in my Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now