Chapter 66

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I get the gutting sensation again as the plane starts to descend.

"Is this the part where I figure out where we are going?" I ask Alex. He nods a little and I go sit by the window as we break through the blanket of clouds, but I still don't see anything. It was blue. All blue. I wait and wait until I do see something but it's in the middle of the blue. "That's the Ocean!" I exclaim once I've realized the fact.

"Yes, that's the Ocean. Ever been?" He asks me. I shake my head in awe of the never ending blue currents. "Well now you will. There's a comfy little beach house on an island not far from here."

"Great." I breathe. The view was unimaginable, but all the more beautiful. I get the uneasy feeling again as we drop lower. "I'm gonna sit up here." I say and push myself up onto the seat.

"You okay?" He asks and sits beside of me.

"Yeah just a little nauseous." I answer but he doesn't seem convinced. "It's just the plane. It goes away, it did when I first went to the palace."

"Okay." Alex nods, but he still wasn't convinced, do I lean up and kiss him softly and quickly. Like a habit. I still watched out the window from my seat.

I keep getting the same nauseating sensation as we descend in the air. I do remember this feeling just less intense when I did go to the palace.

"We are almost all the way down." Alex tells me and now I have a better view of the building on the island. A cozy little beach house. Perfect.

"Okay." I nod, but my stomach hurt. So did my head.

I feel a small rattle. The same one when the wheels tucked themselves in, now they were folding out. I felt the wheels hit the ground and glide on the ground for a while before we were stopped.

"Lets go." Alex says taking my hand. My stomach loosens and I feel much better. It was just the plane ride.

The house was made of a light colored birch wood and was set on long poles to keep from the waves crashing into the house.

"It's a small one bedroom home and an entire island and we are all alone." Alex smiles.

"Couldn't start a marriage better." I laugh and follow Alex to the back of the plane where they pull out our bags. My maids packed everything I was going to need and I trusted them, so I hadn't even touched my bags.

"There are two cell phones in the house. One beside the front door and another in the bedroom on the nightstand. We have already checked to make sure they each work and if one messes up, call with the other immediately and tell us. And–" the guard keeps going, but Alex cuts him off.

"You've already been over this with me. No need to scare her over regulations." Alex says pulling me a little closer to him.

"What regulations?" I ask and turn slightly in his grip.

"Useless regulations." Alex turns back to the guard. "Is that all." The guard grimaces but nods his head.

"Go into the house until we are in the air." He tells us. We nod and Alex walks be up the stone path to the little house. We walk up a set of steps and he pushes open the door for me.

The inside of the house was beautiful. The furniture was comfy but fancy and the floors were beautifully polished.

"It's beautiful." I mutter.

"Guess what?" He says turning toward me. I look at him expectantly. "I learned to cook for this."

"The prince of Illéa is going to cook for me?" I ask turning to him and putting both my hands on his chest.

"Of course." He laughs and kisses my nose. "Want to drop off our bags in our room and then take a walk on the beach?"

"Sure." Most of our suitcases had wheels so it wasn't hard to get all the bags into the room, but I stop at the doorway. Almost an entire wall is made of glass with a patio. The bed is huge with a blue quilt.

This was one of my favorite rooms ever, but I knew I'd get to sleep in it tonight, so I willingly changed into my swimsuit and walked out onto the beach. I liked the bikinis my maids packed me. The one I chose was just black with soft top that was straight across at the top with two thin straps over my shoulders. There was a a silly material over the bikini too that hung over an inch past the rest of the top. The bottom was a pale blue and was plain, but I wore a black sundress over it for now.

"Are you ready?" Alex asks when I walk into the living room.

"Yeah let's go." I smile and even forget to get shoes at all, but I don't think it matters. "So what're we doing?"

"Just a walk on the beach." Alex tells me. "Is that okay?"

"Perfect." I answer. When I step onto the stand my toes curl under me. I've never been bare foot on sand like this.

"What's wrong?" Alex asks when I don't keep walking.

"I've never been on sand." I say amazing of the feeling. All the little grains slide in the smallest cracks.

"It's cool isn't it?" Alex asks. "I've been on it once when I went to another country."

"There's not a Ocean in sight where I lived." I mutter. "I've never seen the Ocean until I got to the palace. It was outside one of the windows."

"That's the Ocean where Jason and Payton's house is at." Alex informs me.

"Oh really?" I question, surprised.

"Yeah. It's very close to the palace." He nods and takes my hand as we keep walking.

I could spend the rest of my life like this.

Royal  (A Selection Fan Fiction) (Book One in my Selection Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang