Chapter 48

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At the end of the party, Alex walks me up to my room, but waits by my door.

"Your maids are probably waiting for you in there so I won't intrude." He tells me. "I've got a meeting tonight, but I'll see you tomorrow at the debate."

Oh right the debate. When all of the more official, important parts of the Selection to evaluate your skills to be a queen.

"I'll be there." I smile.

"Good night." He says and plants a kiss on my cheek before leaving.

"Night." I answer with a smile. I watch him as he walks off and skips down the steps expertly. I roll my eyes at the easy charm he has and go into my room.

My maids bathe me in lavender and bubbly soap. Once I'm finished, I dress in Jason's old shirt and shorts. Paisley came into my room and curled up next to me for her last night in the palace.


"It's okay." I tell her and pick her up and she wraps her legs around me. "You'll see me soon, I'm sure."

She nods and whipes away her tears.

"You can do this, Charlie." She whispers to me. "He loves you and he'd be a fool if he didn't. Do you love him?"

I find a smile in my sadness.

"I believe so." I whisper.

"Make sure you tell him, Char. Like really make sure he knows. You deserve this." I smile and sit her down.

She was a beautiful and innocent little girl.

"Be good." I tell her. I've told Louis, Henry, my dad, and Tayloe goodbye and they were just waiting by the door for Jason and Payton now. "And now you're engaged to my brother." I say thoughtfully.

"And now I'm engaged to your brother." She replies smiling.

"And now you're my sister."

"And now I'm your sister." She laughs with me.

"Then I'll see you soon." I tell her. "Keep him straight."

"Of course." We exchange a quick hug and then there's just Jason.

"I still haven't given him my blessing yet." Jason tells me.

"Are you?"

He looks at me and wraps his arms around me like I was a child.

"Yes." He nods. "Just to make sure I'll ask one more time." He pulls me back so he can see my face clearly. "You love him? You are in love with him?"

He didn't want me to love someone. It was just his first instinct as my brother. I couldn't do anything but barely nod my head.

"Then I need to say something of course." He says letting go of me and walking to Alex. He looks stressed, but I don't move toward him. "You won't hurt her?" He asks without looking back at me, but Alex does.

"Of course not. Never." Alex shakes his head

"Then yes. She can marry you if that's her wish." They shake hands and he walks back over to me. "Goodbye Charlie." 


"What about your opinion Charlie?" My opinion? Everyone agreed on this but I didn't.

"I think..." I search for the right words. "It's irrational."

"What makes you say that?"

"Most of the girls left here are from a wealthy enough caste. Or all of them. I used to be a Six and my community was poor. If the main provider was taken away to prison for however long you please, the rest of the family would die. They wouldn't survive without them. The whippings and beatings not disable them for so long." I say honestly.

I could feel Alex's intent faze on me.

"I think she has a point." He stands from the crowd. "None of us are from the lower castes so she deserves an opinion on this. Greater than the one of ours. Keep going Charlie." 

I nod, but I wasn't sure what else to say. "No one wants to be a victim of a beating, but it's better than being taken away for months or years."

"Any other thoughts against what Lady Charlie said?" Alex asks. No one speaks. "I guess the debate is settled then."

I look around and everyone just nods and shrugs. The queen tells us all to go to our rooms to get ready for tea in the Women's Room.

I only change dresses and my maids freshen my makeup with powder and mascara.

I thank them before I leave to sit downstairs. I am one of the first people there. A maid brings me tea immediately. Addy comes in straight to me.

"Haven't seen you since the ball. Didn't you see the paintings on the wall they were beautiful!" She gasps.

"Have you never been there?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "I was never allowed. I can't wait till we have time to start it and research it."

"Me neither they were such beautiful paintings." I sigh.

"I don't think it's far. Maybe it's part of something we already read." Addy suggests.

"Maybe, but they'll probably never let us back into that room if they've never let you in it." I tell her.

"If you're queen it won't matter." I hate to get everyone's hopes up. Paisley and Addy. Maybe even Payton and Tayloe.

I sigh, but it turns into a smile. Maids start to come into the room. Around thirty. I see Wendy and the rest of my maids too. Was it all he maids for the other girls as well?

A knock comes at the door that had just closed.

"I'll get it." Addy says. "Come in." She says as soon as she opens the door.

Alex walks in, and stands in the middle of the room.

"Tomorrow we aren't going to have the other debate." He tells us. "Instead I need you all to help and try and get ready for the wedding we will be hosting. Themes are gold and silver so for the maids, whatever dresses you make try and stick to those colors. Also can Charlie's maids step up please?"

I blink in confusion.

"I have a special design I need you to follow since she's going to be the maid of honor. Thank you all." He starts to walk away, but I can't Ik it him.

"Why am I the maid of honor?" I ask confused.

"You do want to be the maid of honor at your brothers wedding don't you?"

My brothers wedding. I smile at the thought.

"Thank you so much!" I can't help but let out a laugh I held back. I reach up and kiss him barely. "What can I do to help?" 

"Tonight some of us are working on decorations if you want? You can wear pajamas or anything. No cameras." He tells me. I smile and go back to Addy.

I forgot the other girls were in the room and I just kissed the boy they wanted to love. But he'd kissed back and I think that's what hurt them the most.

I didn't care now.

Because my brother was getting married.

Royal  (A Selection Fan Fiction) (Book One in my Selection Series)Where stories live. Discover now