Chapter Ten: Part 1

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Chapter Ten

An Unpleasant Reunion

             Monday morning Alice found herself hustling back from the grocery store with an armload of raw beef for Shakra.  She paused for a moment outside Threads, looking back at the quaint brick coffee shop across the street.

“I could use a latte.” Alice nearly dropped the frozen beef when Gabriel’s voice came from behind her. “Here, I’ll take the meat for Shakra.” She turned to see the Elf poking his head out the door, grinning cheekily at her surprise. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

            “You’re forgiven.” Alice handed him the packages. “Can you open the shop?  I’ll just be a few seconds.”

            “Sure thing.”

            “Oh hey, what kind of coffee do you like?”

            “You don’t have to get me…”

            “Speak now, or you’re forever getting it black.”

            “One cream, one sugar.”

            “You got it.” Alice headed across the street, already anticipating a steaming hot latte.

The coffee shop was warm and inviting, and Alice didn’t mind waiting in line. She enjoyed the atmosphere.  Running the counter was a short, plump little woman with a hundred watt smile. Alice liked her immediately.

            “What’ll it be, sweetie?”

            “A coffee please, and a hazelnut latte.”

            “Sure thing, honey.”

            Alice handed her the money and the woman gave her another huge smile and the receipt.

“You must be Alice, Ruby’s niece in the shop across the street. What’s the name of the place?”

            “Threads. We just arrived.”

            “I saw you.” The woman laughed. “Gave me a start. No matter how many times I see these traveling shops, they still surprise me. I’m Isabella by the way.”

            “Pleased to meet you.” Alice shook her hand warmly. “It’s nice to have such a friendly neighbour.”

            “Well I hope you stay for a while, honey. I loved your Aunt Ruby; she was a real sweet heart.” The woman’s bright eyes grew a bit misty.

            “You knew Great Aunt Ruby?”

            “Oh yes…she made a name in this community. Everyone loved Ruby. You come and see me lots, you hear?”

            Alice laughed. “I certainly will. Thank you.”

She paused at the side table to put cream and sugar in Gabriel’s cup, and that’s when Alice spotted the man.  It was him, there was no doubt about it. He was sitting at the bar by the window, a coffee cup in his hand and she could see the glowing mark on him. Sure enough, everyone around him was giving him an extremely wide birth. Her hands were shaking, and she put the coffee cups down on the counter.

            How dare he come into her shop, hijack it, demand she take him to New York and then have the nerve to sit there, calm as can be, in the coffee shop across from her store! A thought occurred to her, one that sent chills down her back. He’s watching the shop. It was obvious.  Did he know about the mark on him? That had to be it.

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