Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Home at Last

            Everyone was ready to go. Lacy and Tricia had said their goodbyes. The blonde Witch had been very emotional, leaving Alice's shirt wet with tears after a fierce hug and making her promise repeatedly that she wouldn't forget them.  Altair didn't show up.  Alice tried not to let this bother her, but it was impossible.  He had vanished without saying goodbye in the several minutes she'd gone across the street to say farewell to Isabella. The large, good natured woman had hugged her, squeezing her so enthusiastically that Alice could have sworn her back made a popping noise.  On her way out of the café she had spotted another acquaintance.  The fierce looking gray Witch was seated at the bar stool facing the windows, a newspaper lying in front of her, largely ignored. Alice walked over to her,

            "Hello Germaine."

            Germaine looked her over enquiringly. "Good to see you in one piece, Alice."

            "I'll agree with you on that one. Your vision was somewhat accurate, though there was no fire, only a lot of blood, and not my own."

            The old Witch nodded thoughtfully. "And everything has turned out to your satisfaction?"
            "I think so, yes. Nobody is dead, for which I'm extremely grateful."

            "You seemed to have handled things well." Germaine nodded. "I'm sure Ruby would have been proud."

            "I hope she would have been," Alice agreed.

             "Safe travels, Alice Cunningham."

            "Thank you, Germaine. Goodbye."

            Back at the shop she had looked around for Altair and been told by Gabriel that he hadn't seen him since she left.

            "You mean...he just left?" Her face must have fallen visibly, because Gabriel shook his head sympathetically.

            "I guess he did.  Shakra and Azura went up to the apartment, and Maya and I went into the backroom to make some more tea. When we came out he was gone."

            Alice turned away so they couldn't see her face.  So he had tricked a god to save her, but he couldn't even face saying goodbye?

"Well," she said brusquely. "Let's go home."

            Alice strode into the backroom where the kettle was steaming. There was already a teacup and saucer set up at her usual spot behind the desk. She smiled slightly, pulling the key from the chain around her neck.  She let out a sigh, more than ready to go home, trying to ignore the slow burning pain that seemed to be blooming in her chest.  She jabbed the key into the cupboard lock as furiously as if she were attacking Altair with it.  The sight of the thick, glowing pattern of threads running through the center of the cupboard made her take a deep, steadying breath. It was time to go home. Alice seized the threads with her right hand, calling back to Maya and Gabriel to steady themselves. She closed her eyes.

"Victoria, British Columbia, please."

            Even with her eyes shut she felt the surge, the heady spinning feeling you got on fair rides, as everything around her stretched and snapped back, like a rubber band pulled by giant fingers.  In the next room Maya let out a squeak of surprise.

            She opened her eyes slowly and saw that everything was back in its normal place. Gabriel was telling Maya to shut her eyes next time.

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