Chapter Nineteen: Part 1

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Chapter Nineteen

Blood and Terror

            Alice stretched one hand out towards the fire place. She heard it flare up with a roar, and then surprised murmurs from all around her. She opened her eyes, a little scared of what she would see. Something had formed in the flickering orange flames, a huge ball of fire, brighter than the rest. The globe rose from the fire and hovered over the tile floor, moving forward slowly, cracking and spitting sparks in its wake.  The guests in its path gasped, jumping aside as it approached, their faces ghoulish in the flickering light.  It was a surreal spectacle, and Alice shut her eyes tightly. If she disbelieved herself she wouldn’t be able to pull this off. She could feel the heat as it neared her; a gentle tickling warmth ran up her outstretched palm and traveled the length of her arm. The protection spell was working.

            The murmuring grew louder.  Alice could imagine what the guests were seeing. She could feel the prickling tongues of fire spreading over her body.  Several people murmured about clever tricks, and a few didn’t sound the slightest bit phased, as if people regularly set themselves on fire at this sort of dinner party. At last she opened her eyes.

“What was that you say about burning Witches?”

            Although Ambrose kept his smooth face expressionless, she could tell he was not as calm as he appeared.  He leaned forward eagerly, his eyes burning as fiercely as the fire surrounding her.

            At last Alice dropped her hands to her sides, and the flames died out, leaving her skin and dress smoking, though there was not a burn mark or soot stain on her. The crowd dissipated slowly after a smattering of applause, and Alice heard one old woman mutter about “show off Sorceresses”. She felt faint with relief. She had pulled it off without actually setting herself on fire.

            “That was most impressive,” Ambrose purred. “I applaud you, my dear. A wonderful trick. I do believe my guests thoroughly enjoyed it.”

            She gave him a shaky smile. “I’m glad you liked it, Alexie.”

            “Very much,” Ambrose said.

            “Perhaps next time you can do a trick, seeing as you’re a Greek god? Isn’t that right?” Alice gave him her sweetest smile, and Ambrose looked at her critically.

“Ah, my talents run to subtler things.”

            “What sort of things?”

            “I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.”

            “You’re awfully secretive. Are all Titans so closed-mouthed?”

            Ambrose gave her a rueful look. “You mock me, my darling.”

            “I don’t!” Alice protested. “I’m only wondering.”  She had better reign in on the jabs, just in case he did turn out to be some sort of ancient deity. After all, Maya had said he could do magic, even if it was only once.

            “Since you were just curious, than I shall answer you.” The corner of his mouth quirked. “I am the least secretive of my brothers and sisters.”

            “Alright, which Titan are you?” Alice said, “Or is it rude of me to ask?” She thought of the question she really wanted to ask him, which was ‘What the hell do you want?’, but that was definitely rude.

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