Chapter Fifteen- Part 1

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Chapter Fifteen

A Glimpse of Power

            The first gift arrived Wednesday, delivered to the shop door in the morning before Threads had even opened. Alice unlocked the front door, pausing when she saw the basket of roses on the front step.   There was a card tied to the handle of the basket, and she tore it from the ribbon, her heart beating faster. Were these for her? Who would send her roses? Jason had never even bought her one rose, and it looked like the basket easily held two dozen or more.

            “What’s that?”  Gabriel emerged from the back room, coffee in hand. He attempted to stifle a yawn.

            “It was on the doorstep. Roses it looks like.” Alice set the basket down on the front desk, slipping the card free of its envelope.


I hope this finds you well, and again, I send my sincere apologies for the terrible events of  Saturday night. I do hope this does not tarnish me in your sight. I dearly wish to see you again.

Yours in admiration,

Alexie Ambrose.

            “It’s from him,” Alice exclaimed.



            “What? Let me see.” Gabriel grabbed the card. He grimaced. “Yuck, he’s trying to butter you up.”

            “I don’t want his stupid roses.” Alice turned and walked behind the desk, leaving the basket where it sat on the floor. She couldn’t help glancing back though. The roses were beautiful; it was sort of thrilling to think a man was sending her flowers, especially a man like Ambrose.

              Shakra ambled over and sniffed at the roses delicately. “They’re not poisoned at least.”

            “I think he means to make a good impression.” Alice grinned. “I would hardly be impressed if he topped off the drugged wine with poisoned flowers.”

            “He can’t redeem himself with a few roses,” Gabriel grumbled.

            “Certainly not,” Alice agreed, and kept her eyes on the floor lest Gabriel notice she wasn’t quite as enraged as he was.

            Two dozen roses may not have cut it, according to Gabriel, but Ambrose did not stop there.  In the days that followed there was a new gift each morning. The second day was a box of expensive chocolates, which Gabriel tried to throw in the trash - Alice rescued it, saying no matter who it was from, he would not waste good chocolate!. The third morning a beautifully crafted oak jewellery box that played soft music when it opened stood in gold wrappings on the doorstep, and the fourth, an exquisitely soft black fur shawl.

“This is crazy.” Alice stared at the shawl. “I can’t believe this.”

            “It’s meant to impress you,” Gabriel said crossly, “And it looks as if it’s working.”

            “I’m not impressed,” Alice retorted. “I’m horrified. This looks terribly expensive. I’ll send it back.” She ran a finger over the soft fur.

            “I wouldn’t,” Shakra said. “That would only insult him.”

            “I guess.” Alice hesitated, loath to admit she wanted to keep the outrageous presents.

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