Chapter Eighteen: Part 2

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Alice watched with interest one day as Gabriel finally got Maya to talk to him. She could hear the gentle murmur of conversation as the two of them sat by the fire in the back room. Shakra had vacated the area and joined Alice by the front desk, giving them a little privacy.

Alice smiled. “I’m pretty sure that’s a date, Shakra.”

            The white Tiger sniffed. “Good, perhaps he’ll fall for her.”

            “I hope so.” Alice was a little indignant at the thought, and then she felt bad.  She had no claim over Gabriel. Just because she’d been flattered that he’d shown an interest didn’t give her the right to be jealous. She’d made it infinitely clear to him that nothing would happen between them. The subject made her think of Altair, which made her think about pirates and potions.

“ErShakra, I have kind of a funny question for you.”

            “Will I think it terribly amusing?”

            “Not that sort of funny, although you actually might laugh at me.” Alice hesitated. “Is it remotely possibly when you’re having a day dream induced by a spell that you could connect to someone else who’s dreaming at the same time?”

            Shakra’s voice did sound slightly amused. “You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the Day dream potions we have here, would you?”

            “Um…maybe,” she admitted sheepishly. “But that’s not possible, right?”

            “It’s hard to say with you. The spell might have been magnified when you drank it, since your system seems to do odd things with magic.”

            Alice blinked at her. “So you’re saying it’s not impossible.”

            “Not likely, but also not impossible.”

            “Oh…” She sat down at the desk. “Okay, not likely.” Were the clothes just a coincidence? What about that stupid smirk he had given her? He was always smirking though. Had that one been different? She couldn’t remember….

            Shakra was studying her with interest. “I take it you had a different experience than you expected.”

            Alice could feel her cheeks beginning to glow. “I’d…rather not discuss it.” She retreated to the back room in a hurry, the sound of Shakra’s low rumbling laughter following her.

            Three weeks passed far faster than any of them had anticipated, and soon they found themselves getting ready for Ambrose’s dreaded dinner party.  Tricia and Lacy came over several hours early, Tricia fussing over her outfit in Alice’s suite where they had gathered to make preparations.

            “How are you settling in?” Lacy was asking Maya.

            “I love it here. Alice says I can work at Threads after she trains me…when I’m ready,” she said shyly.

            “That’s great,” Lacy said, and Alice wondered if there was a hint of jealousy in the girl’s voice.

            “That dress looks great on you, Maya.” Tricia had finally arranged herself to her satisfaction, and turned away from the mirror at last.

            “Thank you,” Maya blushed. “It’s Alice’s - she’s been lending me everything to wear..” She looked over at Alice gratefully. “It’s a wonderful dress, Alice. Thank you.”

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