8 Jeffery

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“Damon! Topher!” Tony yells our names in his east-coast accent as we walk into the small pizza place. “It’s been too long since we’ve seen yous round here!”

With the call of our names, heads snap in our direction. Thankfully there aren’t too many people in here tonight. It’s usually the teenage girls that we really have to worry about.

The chatter becomes loud whispers as we approach the counter to pay.

“How are you, Tony?” I ask the middle-aged cook behind the chest-high desk.

He leans on the flat surface to talk to us, “Been good. You know, a little a this, a little a that. Life’s been good.”

“That’s great, man,” Toph says from next to me as he reaches his right hand over to shake Tony’s hand.

Taking Tony’s hand after in the same shake, I tell him, “We just ordered on the phone. Is our pizza done?”

“Let me get it for yous,” he tells us as he lets go. Turning around he shouts at his ‘cousin’, “Yo Vinnie, is that pie done yet?”

“Yea, I’ll bring it out in a second,” a nasally voice comes from the back whom I assume to be Vinnie.

He turns back to us for a second, “I’ll go see what the holdup is.”

“Thank you,” I say honestly.

As Tony disappears, a few girls in their early teens wonder up to us.

“Can I have your autograph?” a particularly short one with auburn hair asks me.

I nod smiling, “Of course, what’s your name?”

“Katie!” she practically squeals it while kind of bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I sign the napkin quickly and hand it back to her, “You have a good night, Katie.”

“I love your accent!” another girl tells me. She’s a bit taller than the first and has white blonde hair.

“Thank you,” I acknowledge her next. Pointing to the napkin that Toph has already signed I ask, “Did you want mine too?”

Her jaw drops comically like she’s actually surprised I would suggest that as she nods, “Please!”

After signing it, a younger little boy comes up to me, “Hi, I’m Jeffery.”

He looks to be seven or eight and I have to squat in front of him to be eye level, “Hi Jeffery, my name is Damon.”

“Your voice sounds funny,” his brows scrunch together as he looks at me.

His honestly make me chuckle, “You’re correct. I must have a frog in my throat.”

“Yea, probably. One time I was sick and my grandma said that I had a frog in my throat. It made me sound funny too,” he reasoned nodding his shaggy brown hair.

This makes me laugh again, “So Jeffery, what can I do for you?”

“My mom is over there,” he points to a booth in the corner where a very pregnant blonde female who looks to be in her mid-twenties is blushing madly. I look back to him when he says, “She told me to come over and ask if you’ll put your name on this napkin.”

I love kids. I love how innocent and happy they are. Everything about kids makes me want to say ‘aww’. I hope to have a couple when I get a little older and my life settles down.

Taking the napkin from his outstretched hand, I sign my autograph and hand it back to him, “There you are.”

“I can’t even read it,” he shakes his head at the scribble then looks back at me. “How am I supposed to know this is yours?”

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