30 Orange Chicken and Lo Mein

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It’s been a week since we’ve gotten home from visiting England. Nothing’s changed. We still love each other; we still spend all our time together. If anything our love has gotten stronger.

Now, it’s the day before I leave for Los Angeles for who knows how many months. They’re predicting three, but it could easily stretch to six. Filming is never a perfect science.

We’ve been in bed all day just lounging around. When I woke up this morning, there was a cup of coffee waiting for me and a loving husband still in bed. It was an easy decision to stay in. Neither of us even tried to think of anything else to do.

We did decide on a ‘Supernatural’ marathon and take-out. (Staying in bed involves not cooking.) We didn’t even get up for a shower or change from our pajamas bottoms. The only time either of us has been out of bed was to use the loo or get the food from the delivery person.

We also decide that our phones should go on silent and be put away. The only time we check them is when one of us was in the toilet; which just happened to be now. Topher just got up to relieve his bladder when I pull the drawer to my nightstand open.

I should have guessed that something would happen on our lazy day. I have six missed calls and eight texts; all from one person. I’m in the midst of shaking my head when my husband turns back up.

“What wrong?” he asks as he climbs into our cocoon of blankets and pillows.

Holding out my phone, I show him, “Apparently Riel can’t leave me be for one day.”

“You should call to make sure everything’s okay,” he tells me while he cuddles up to gets comfortable.

Nodding, I press a few times on my screen to pull up her number, “It’s probably just Riel being Riel.”

It rings just once before her voice reigns over me, “DAY! Why weren’t you answering my calls? Are you alive?”

“How would I call you if I wasn’t?” I challenge and lay back against the headboard. Toph’s head finds its way to my chest and I absently drag my fingers though his hair.

“Why didn’t you answer?” She demands again.

Sighing, I tell her, “My husband and I were just trying to have a day to ourselves. I leave tomorrow.”

“I know,” she snaps at me, “which is why I was calling you. You still haven’t picked up your key.”

“I totally forgot,” I admit honestly before firing back, “and you didn’t bring it to dinner the other night.”

“Whatever,” she mumbles.

“Is there any way you can drop it at the front desk of our building?”

She lets out a big sigh, “What time are you leaving tomorrow?”

“I have to leave here at noon.”

“Well,” she clicks her tongue at me, “lucky for you, I have an appointment early tomorrow morning in that area. I’ll drop it off then.”

I know there’s no way that she has an appointment out this way. She’s way closer to the city than we are. Nobody comes out here for anything except to get away from everything else.

“You’re a saint,” I smile even though she can’t see me. “Is there anything else, babe?”

“I swear to God it sounds like you’re trying to get rid of me, Damon!”

“I would never,” I say with mock hurt.

“Good,” she sasses. “Now listen to this really weird story.”

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