12 His Body Weight

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For the second time, I woke up curled into my husband. This time, however, I just close my eyes and go back to sleep. I’m not worried about it being right or wrong. I’m comfortable and warm and sleepy.

Sometime later, I woke to a kiss being placed lightly on my lips. Then another and another, continuing until I open my eyes to see bright blue ones shining above me.

“So I was thinking and I figure Ashton-Moore-Hill sounds better than Moore-Hill-Ashton,” my best friend’s smile is infectious. After not answering for a few seconds, he speaks again, “Although, I guess we could drop one of the two. Or we could be all new-age and keep our own names. Can you enter a name between the hyphens?”

My eyebrow arches as I stare at him. I’m not a morning person. It’s always been something we butted heads about.

He can wake up and be happy and refreshed. My day doesn’t start until after a coffee and a shower usually. Yesterday was a bit of an exception. I was up straight away when I realize what happened.

His smile widens, “You didn’t get any of that.” It wasn’t a question; he knows I hate mornings. He sits back on the folded out bed we slept on last night. Leaning closer to the table, he grabs a mug and extends it to me, “Here, I brought you this.”

I eagerly sit up to take the cup from him when I smell that it’s coffee. If there is one thing that Toph is good at, other than acting, it’s making a cup of coffee. He brews with the best of them.

He watches as I sip, “Do you want to take a shower here or did you want to go back to your place?”

“Mine,” I manage to groan. “I need to phone Riel too. I told her I would last night.”

He nods, his grin unwavering, “I figure, once you get out of bed, you can just pull on a shirt and we’ll head out.”

“Do we have plans?” I ask around a yawn.

Shaking his head, Topher gets up from where he’s sitting next to me, “No, I would like to pick up a few tabloids, though; to see what they’re saying about you.”

“Ugh,” if I didn’t have the mug in my hands I would lay back down and cover up. “You really think it’ll be in the news?”

“Oh yea,” he tells me as he walks into his room. “And, I checked online, marriage certificate are public record. If anyone knows your real name, they can find out that I’m your mystery wife.”

“Shit,” I murmur and throw the blankets off me. “That would ruin your career.”

He laughs from the other room, “I wish. To be honest, Day,” he sticks his head into the doorway, “I wouldn’t mind a little break. But, I don’t think that’s what will happen if this gets out.”

Setting my cup on the coffee table, I walk into the bedroom, “What do you think will happen?”

When I enter, he’s only in his boxers. I’m momentarily stunned at the site of his defined abs and toned legs until I mentally shake it off. I’m not gay.

“I think that we’ll get more media than either of us will know how to deal with,” he shrugs as he walks to his bathroom.

He doesn’t shut the door all the way as he turns on the shower. And although he is physically blocked out by the wooden entryway, I can see his bum in the mirror as he drops his last article of clothing. Decidedly, it’s still not a bad bum.

The curtain drawing pulls me out of my reverie, then he continue to talk, “Do you want to keep this whole thing a secret and chance that it gets revealed or just come out with it?”

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