40 Perfect

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“Are you ready?” A camera man called Finn has set up an area in the living room of our new home so we can broadcast live to the CTV Movie Awards.

We couldn’t actually attend because we’ve been preparing for our wedding. The ceremony is the day after tomorrow, but we don’t actually have time to do everything if we travel across country even for a day. So instead, the camera guy came here in case we won. In addition to the Best Bromance, Chris was nominated for Best Actor for ‘Save the Day’. And of course my Breakout role I spoke of before.

My fiancé and I are sat on our couch watching the awards on the television. That way if we win, we know and can be ready to accept or whatever it is that you do. This is my first time at an award show – even if I’m not technically there. Chris on the other had has one of our spare rooms filled with all kinds of awards.

We ended up buying this house in New Rochelle on the water. It’s large with a stupid amount of bedrooms and too many bathrooms; it’s very open and roomy. I thought it was too much, but Christopher reminded me that we would have a family someday and that we would need more room. Needless to say, my heart melted and I agreed on the spot.

As the show goes on, my wedding planner, Tina, shouts at us from the other room. I can see her just behind the camera man and as she asks questions I shout back what she needs to hear. Topher just relaxes against our couch watching the television. He’s the typical guy when it comes to the wedding; agrees with whatever I want and doesn’t pay much else mind.

In an ideal setting, this would hurry itself up. I need to get back to the wedding planner. She’s in our dining room with Marcy and Rebecca putting together last minute details. We decided to do the actual wedding ceremony and reception this time. It’s on top of the Rockefeller Center in the Weather Room. The location is gorgeous, but it’ll only be our close friends and family. There will, however, be a media photographer there that will be doing an exclusive story on the event. We didn’t want the public there, but we wanted them to be a part of everything.

The first of our awards come up and I find myself getting a little nervous. Maybe I should have put on something nicer. We’re literally in t-shirts and jeans. It’s been a long day.

The Bromance award is first and the presenters come onto stage. Saying as it’s a comedy network, they found the most ironic and hilarious two to give the award, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. The walk on smiling and I find myself chuckling.

“Today,” Harry speaks up, “we’re here to present the award for Best Bromance.”

Louis looks up at him and grins, “As we’ve been put in this category by many teenage girls, they thought we would be experts.”

“Right,” Harry nods looking straight into the camera.

“But we all know that’s absurd. People actually think,” Lou cocks his head to the side before shaking it.

Harry’s smirk seems knowing, but he doesn’t look to his band mate, “And the nominees are, Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum in ‘21 Jump Street’.”

“Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogan in ‘50/50’,” Louis adds the next.

Harry picks up again with a grin, “Topher and Damon Ashton in ‘Save the Day’.”

“And Paul Rudd and Jason Segel in ‘I Love You, Man’,” Louis fills in the last nominee. “And the winner is…”

“Would you like to read it?” Harry offers the envelope, but Louis only smiles and shakes his head. “The award goes to,” he takes his time unlatching the paper and looking up into the camera, “Topher and Damon Ashton.”

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