My Immortal

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A/n: This is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who read my story. I'm really glad that you all liked this!!! Don't forget to comment and vote, okay?


Arima Kousei POV:

The bells rang after our last music class ended and without further ado, we left the school to go to the hospital where Lenalee-sensei was rushed in after we asked permission to our other teachers to visit her. They told us that she was transported in the Tokyo University Hospital.

Ito Mia and Kaori joined the two of us and after we asked the female receptionist what room they put our teacher, her eyes looked at us sadly. "You said that the name of the patient you four are looking for is Lee Lenalee, am I correcT?"

Hikaru faced her and answered, "Yes. Where is she?"

"She's in the ICU. She was brought here in a very severe condition. She's at the sixth floor. You can ask her doctor about her condition. We're actually looking for relatives to pay for her expenses as we can't give her surgery without a relative's permission," she told the four of us.

After we arrived in the sixth floor, we asked what room she is in until a nurse showed us where she is. Her fellow teacher is the only one staying over to look after her. Her name is Lea-sensei, a Literature teacher in our school. She's practically new at our school, too. Her brown eyes noticed us and joined us. "You four came here to see her?"

"Yes. We're shocked that she's been brought in the hospital. She was okay when we last saw her in the clinic," Ito Mia answered her.

"The doctor said that a nerve popped on her head and she needs surgery. Before she's given, a relative must sign her a permission slip. As we all know, she doesn't have any relatives left. Do you know anyone?" she asked us.

"Can she be given surgery if someone stands up for her and pay the expenses?" Hikaru asked.

All of us were shocked by what he said. I wonder what he was planning. All of us just looked at him in shock. Soon after, the uncomfortable, dark atmosphere finally cut off after our teacher, Lea-sensei finally answered him, "Yes. Why?"

"I'll ask my parents if they could help. They know Lenalee-sensei," he told her. 

He smiled and after that, he went outside. I followed him outside the room and asked him, "What are you planning?"

He looked at me and tears fell from his eyes, "I know that my feelings for her may not truly be mine and I know that I'll forget Allen's memories slowly but I don't want her to die! If there is a way to save her and take her life normally, I'll do it! Her suffering is enough!"

I sighed and understood his reasons. He dried his tears, opened up his phone and dialed his mother's number until her mother finally answered him. After a few minutes of talk over the phone, he looked at me with a smile. "They'll come to carry Lenalee-sensei's expenses."

He held my hand tightly. I felt happy that my friend is also happy. After a few minutes, his parents finally came, talked to the doctors, signed the important papers until finally, Lenalee-sensei was brought in the operating room.

We waited for so many hours until the lights of the operating room went off. The surgeon who worked on her faced us with a smile. "She's safe, now but we can't say she'll be the same after she wakes up."

"What do you mean?" Hikaru asked.

His mother held her shoulders sadly as the doctor replied to him, "She might have selective amnesia as the nerve that popped on her head where she had internal bleeding constitutes in making of the memories. We are able to stop the bleeding and saved her life. She's lucky that the wound on her brain isn't too large or she's gone now."

Tears fell on his eyes and there, his parents hugged him. "She'll be fine, Hikaru. We're happy that you chose us more than the past," her mother told him.

Kaori held my hand and told me, "Shouldn't we leave, now, Kousei?"

I looked at her and smiled. "You're right. They need some privacy."

The two of us bowed at them and informed them that we'll be leaving already. Ito Mia also informed them that she's joining us. "We'll come back to visit her, though."

We quickly left the hospital with a smile in our hearts. I'm happy that I was able to help.

The two of them may forget that they were old souls but since they interacted with me, I believe I'll be the only person who knows their secret.


The next day, when Kaori and I decided to visit Lenalee-sensei, I have noticed that the doctor actually told the truth but for a normal human being who didn't see strange events, she would still look like a normal human who never had selective amnesia. She's with Lea-sensei at that time, too. When she saw us, she quickly left to give us privacy. 

"Lenalee-sensei, do you remember what happened yesterday?" I asked her after we bowed and told our welcomes.

She looked at me with a smile and laughed, "I'm sorry, I can't remember. The only thing I remember was that I fainted."

I sighed. "What about the name 'Allen Walker'?" 

She stared at me. She looked confused. She had completely forgotten who that is. Was it the result of Hikaru, not choosing anyone?

Finally, we heard someone knock. Kaori opened it for me. Hikaru walked in and bowed at Lenalee-sensei. 

"Good morning, sensei," he told her.

"Good morning, Hikaru. Thank you for asking your parents to sign the papers for me. You saved me," she told him.

Will he still be the same person I became friends with as he lose Allen's memories? I looked at Lenalee-sensei sadly and I walked out after the two of them began talking to each other, normally. 

Kaori noticed my reaction and went beside me. "Are you alright?" she asked me.

I smiled, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"You don't look fine," she folded her arms.

I just laughed hysterically and I sat on the white chairs outside the hospital rooms. She sat beside me and asked, "Are you worried that Lenalee-sensei have amnesia?"

"No. It's actually better that she had forgotten the things I asked her," I told her. 

Kaori looked at me with a confused face and shock. "How can you say that?" she asked me with her eyes wide.

I just laughed again. How can I tell her what makes me worry if I'll be the last person, including his parents that we know that she and Hikaru were old, nineteenth century souls?

"There's nothing you should worry about," I answered her.

In a few minutes that Kaori and I were alone near Lenalee-sensei's room, Hikaru went outside the room and joined us.

He sat at my left side and asked Kaori to get in the room. "Lenalee-sensei wants to see you."

Kaori grinned and kissed me on the forehead before she followed him. When she's finally inside the room, Hikaru finally told me, "You're fidgeting. I know. You're worried that you and my parents will be the only ones to remember that we came from a very distant past but don't worry. I'll still be the friend you've always known even if I completely forget everything. Thank you for being a friend of mine."

I stared at him and with those words, I truly felt fine. My worries vanished,too. "Thank you, Hikaru."

"Today is a new day for all of us. It's time for me to actually live my life normally without the past breaking me down," he told me.

"Good for you, then! Let's be the greatest pianists people will ever know!" I told him as we hold our hands together like in a bro fist. 

"I guess I'll need to find a girl, soon!" he laughed with me.

"You'll find the right girl for you, soon," I assured him.

"I wish so. With everything that happened, I guess the Allen Walker inside me had finally been reunited with her," he told me.


A/n: I hope you like it!!! This is the final chapter. Thank you for making my story successful!

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