Make up your Mind Man

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I know that a lot of people are frustrated, when they see women giving in, or bending to another's will. I wrote it so that my characters evolve, so that women and men can go from 'weak' to 'strong-willed' or even 'arrogant' to 'sensitive.' It works best when you give more than a few chapters a try, but of course, at the end of the day, I just want you to have fun :D

Few of my favorite reviews:

"Personally I had some problems in the beginning, with characters and actions, but I'm glad I kept reading because it all unfolded into this beautiful multi-layered story that is just wholesome. The beginning frustration recedes just as the characters grow and change. I especially liked to see how our main grew into her own life. She felt like very much the victim to her own life and her incapability to act was agitating at some points but she turns around to find her strength and I respect that the author wrote her in such way. The lore behind everything is just well-thought out, and I genuinely thought there will be more. It makes me curious even more to know all the possibilities. The ending is nicely done, it expands the created world but doesn't leave the story like it has been cut off. Thank you very much for this read!"


"This story had fast paced action and drama from the BEGINNING! Not like most stories that draw out the drama to a possible anticlimactic confrontation. It's hot, steamy and full of emotions that demand more! It's set up like a Star Wars saga... starts kinda in the middle, but fills in what happened before and completely comes together in the end. So you are immediately sucked in!!! I LOVED that and hadn't read that before! Definitely could continue with a sequel and spin offs (which "The Enforcer " is with Sienna) that I would read with an embarrassing quickness. ❤️"


"This book had me on the edge of my seat literally from start to end. Never have I ever binge-read a book like I did this one. Kudos to the author for being able to invoke each and every emotion I have through the course of the book, including some emotions I dint even know i had! It was so easy for me to create a visual in my mind as to what is going on, that's how much thought and attention to detail has gone into writing this masterpiece. The plot is absolute genius and the twists are mind-boggling. I felt myself living within the story throughout. 100% would recommend for all fiction-lovers!!"


"This story is possibly the most amazing story I have ever read, and that includes 'Harry Potter', 'Mortal Instruments', 'Divergent' trilogy, and all of Rick Riordan's works. 'Disguise' is right up there. From the very first chapter, I was hooked. I could quite literally feel Flora's pain in the very first chapter. My heart hurt--literally! I felt like there was a knife in my chest. And I didn't really 'forgive' Reece until he marked her. And even now, I haven't really forgiven him. But you just have a way of writing that makes me want to hug them all, and punch half of them in the face, all at the same time. I absolutely LOVE 'Disguise'! You are an AMAZING writer! I cannot wait until you update, I'll be on the edge of my seat until then! Please, continue you're amazing writing! Stories like yours are what inspire me to write my own stories. So please, continue, and God bless you."



"Thirtieth floor, please." I motioned to the smartly dressed man next to me.

He was handsome, his eyes mischievous. His dark hair fell in messy curls and I instantly found myself attracted to him.

He pushed the button for me, and then pressed the button to his own floor - 21st.

I gave him a flirty smile which he returned enthusiastically.

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