The Mocking Coat from Lost and Found

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"I know that you're worried, Alpha, but this is brilliant!" A voice called out from somewhere beyond the room where I was sitting. It was late morning. More specifically, 11:45 a.m. and Xena had long since left for her interview. Yes, even mangled bodies didn't stop the girl from doing her job. She'd left me a cute message saying that she didn't want to wake me up and she felt fine and then added, 'and I don't want to step into that room and see something I can't forget because Reece's shoes are still here.'

The little devil.

Me on the other hand, I'd woken up to Noori's hands shining a flashlight in my eye. Apparently I just didn't respond to them earlier. And when I did respond it was to yell at her to 'get the hell away from me.' She was smiling regardless of my less than warm approach.

It took them twenty minutes to unhinge Reece from me, and for me to repeat a million times that I was completely fine. I felt fit as a horse. Or a dinosaur. Apparently I'd slept through from 4:47 a.m. till 11 a.m. like the dead, not responding to anything. Reece admitted to kissing me but I still didn't respond. I think he was slightly miffed about that and I told him to stop watching Disney. Noori and the other doctor had miserably failed at hiding their cackles.

How they managed to do all this drama with Xena waking up, showering in her room and leaving for her meeting without suspecting anything is beyond me. Frankly, I was impressed.

And now, they had left me alone in the room with threats to not even step a foot on the ground, (as if) while they secretly spoke about me outside. What did they think I was? A child? The other doctor was a handsome man. He was Noori's brother with both having the same complexion and natural red hair. I only caught his nickname - Nate - before Reece shifted the topic back to me. Ugh.

"She just passed out. You know that is inevitable Alpha, she is only human." Nate's clear voice was audible all the way upstairs and past my shut door.

Inevitable? What the hell does that mean?

"Yeah, she will get better at it once you guys mark and mate." Noori supplied, her tone unabashed and I heard Reece grunt.

Mate? Mark?! How can they talk about our sex life like that? Our nonexistent sex life that is.

Deciding that I was having none of it, I flipped the blanket off me and walked towards the door.

"Or you know, you can alway-"

"No. That can't happen. Not yet anyway. It needs to be her decision." Reece's sudden angry tone interrupted a new voice. Was that Grey?

"I agree with that. Have you even told her that this is a possibility?" Okay that was definitely Sienna.

Reece made another strangled sound and then I heard gasps from each and every one of them. Then I heard nothing. It was as if they just switched their frequency and I couldn't hear it anymore. Deciding to not shy away, I slammed the door open and walked out and looked down.

It was a weird sight. They were all looking at each other, but their eyes were glazed over. Not one of them made a sound. I spotted Daniella and Hank standing near the foyer entrance as well. The hall was filled with breathing statues.

Whatever they were doing came to an end as they all looked up at my angry face and the truth dawned. They were mind linking about me! They must have heard my footsteps with their annoying ass hearing abilities!

"Why are you out of bed?"

"Why are you talking about me without me?" I shot back hotly.

"We were coming up to explain it to you." Hank was such a sad liar.

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