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Reece's POV

"It's possible." Uncle Theo said quietly, his words a mere whisper. All heads turned to him. He simply shrugged.

"Don't look at me like that, they were forgotten, never dead." He put it so bluntly, I almost blew a fuse. How dare he talk about death and my mate in the same sentence?

Grey, as if sensing my unease placed a hand on my shoulder, more for restraint than for comfort but it did the trick. Sienna broke the silence first and asked, "How is it possible?"

"Well, they didn't go extinct, it must be the only explanation. Hidden away for generations to come and the knowledge dies away but the powers still remain. And her specific powers - she was just...lucky." I spoiled my face.

"Lucky?! Lucky! She can't even use a fourth of her energy without passing out! She's just learned of us, just forgiven me, had to accept so much and now I have to tell her that she is one of the very very few people in the world who has powers? And not just that! The powers might kill her if she doesn't understand how to control them!"

"Calm down, King." Sienna's sharp tone comes from across the room and I want to break something. I settled for staring at the wall behind her, and reigning in my anger.

"Can we find someone who can help us with this?" Daniella spoke up after staying silent for a long time and Hank nodded, "I already called one of the subjects from court, his grandfather met a few of them, from the third era and he thinks he can help us."

"He thinks or he is sure?" I grit out, I didn't need people from my court right now.

"I don't know, but at this point anything that can help is welcome." Hank answered.

"They don't know she's my mate yet." I blurted out, feeling more and more agitated by the minute. All heads turned to me and I spun around in a groan, putting my head in my hands. Nobody spoke a word, nobody breathed. Nobody moved. Everyone just waited for me to explain myself because good Kings are answerable to their people.

"I haven't told the rest of the council apart from you guys that she is my mate." I told them, repeating my earlier words.

"Why?" Theo asked, breaking the silence and I turned around to face them again.

"I just - I wanted to give her as much time as I could before she was thrown into my world. Do you not know what will happen once they find out? There will immediately be a coronation, the elders will want her to shift, she will have to handle pack matters and everything that comes with being my mate."

"Surely she knows this? You have told her that she must turn into one of us, haven't you?" Sienna whispered, looking at me through wide eyes and I looked away.

"I've told her it's an option, should she choose it."

"Oh, Reece." Daniella whispered, shaking her head.

"Reece, we get that you want to protect her, but this is not the way. She needs to know everything. She needs to know the full story. Her life is going to change and this is not a change that you can ease her into!" Theo scolded me. Even though I was the King, Uncle Theo had raised me to be who I was today.

"I know!" I barked, I felt like I was losing my grip on reality.

"Even if you didn't, don't you think that after the whole Brianna situation she might have gone and blabbed?" Grey asked me and I shook my head. " I know her, she probably wanted this news to be as contained as possible, for damage control." At this Grey nodded. At least I had one thing right.

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