Secret Society

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Flora's POV

They say that every decision you make splits the world into an alternate universe. If you chose to take the train that day or didn't - causes another dimension to emerge. So many alternate universes because of so many people and their everyday decisions.

I wondered if there was an alternate universe where I came out of this alive. Because standing here right now, in front of a very unstable Jeff Kurt, the only thing I could see was death.

Was that even his real name? If he had one fake name – the one he used to impersonate Xena's brother, he probably had several other ones too. I could feel the distaste when I looked at him. Countless movie nights and chilling at the pool with Xena, is this what he had been dreaming of all along? When he would finally get to drive that knife deep into my heart?

I shuddered at the thought. He had so many chances to kill me, a year of basically hanging out every other night as my best friend's lovable younger brother. There was nothing worse than a patient killer. A calm murderer never made mistakes. Never tripped up. What if I hadn't met Reece again and he mated someone else? Would he just kill me the next second without hesitation? Judging by the black of his eyes, the lack of any emotion except madness, I was sure of that.

He was a psychopath. He wouldn't feel a thing except the thrill of finally killing me. It must have been a deep impact on him, my kind – the Nihls. Could you hate a race so deeply for no good reason?

The evening had started out perfectly under control. I had Atticus with me at all times. Everyone was guarded and safe. The meet and greet, the dinner and then the coronation. That was the order. Everyone who had attended the party I had already met. The staff had been vetted for and all the Alphas had assembled. All the elders had assembled as well. We'd willingly let the traitor into our home knowing that shit was going to go down if they were given the opportunity. The spot marked on the map was nothing - it led to nowhere and it did nothing. It was in the middle of a bathroom near the grand hall. We had the whole place canvassed and also sealed. Another bathroom was made to use, on the upper levels just to be careful.

I met every single person - some seven hundred guests - and I didn't remember a single name. I met all the elders.

And then we sat for dinner. A lavish meal - with fancy cutlery and copious amounts of food. Everyone ate till their heart's content. We ate with smiles on our face to put on a good show.

"Reece, I'm going to use the bathroom." I told Reece and April was at my side at once. Atticus and Hank accompanied me till outside while April and I ventured inside. She checked every single one before she nodded and I stepped in. I was beginning to relax, maybe nothing would happen tonight, maybe this was a scouting session - no action just observation. But then what was it about sending me those maps?

"April?" I called from within and her reply was swift, "Yes, I'm right here." I relaxed once more, finished my business and then opened the door.

A man was standing right behind her, brandishing a shiny knife that looked bright like silver and he'd already cut her throat open. No noise left me as I saw the slow flow of blood dripping down her front. He matched my eyes with his cold, impassive ones and pointed to a piece of paper near the sink.

She's not dead yet - just unconscious from the blood loss. The faster you climb up that hole in the ceiling, the sooner I remove the silver from her body to let her heal. Make any noise - alert your minions outside and this knife goes straight into her heart. You know I will do it.

I looked up to see a rope, coming right through the ceiling and wordlessly began climbing. My mindlink refused to work and I couldn't get in touch with anyone.

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