Hard Women

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Flora's POV

The room was brightly lit. The walls were colorful and the curtains were drawn apart for maximum sunlight. After all, they weren't vampires. I snickered at my internal joke before I noticed the dark corner in the space.

The corner was a person.

She lay curled in a tight ball, not even turning her head to see who entered the room, which I was sure her werewolf senses would pick up easily. My heart dropped with her aura. She looked so lost and scared. Misguided.

I was told that she didn't do much. Ate a meager amount - which said a lot because werewolves ate like monsters - and just sat in the corner all day, sometimes even falling asleep there. What a pitiful way to live. The staff and Noori had tried to get her to talk but she didn't say much.

The bed was made and looked untouched, looked like she had spent another night on the floor, in that corner. I rounded her bed, and approached her, making sure to make enough noise that she didn't get startled if she hadn't been paying attention.

Finally, when I made it in front of her, she lifted her eyes to look at me. They widened slightly - so it seemed that she did recognize me. That was good, it meant that I had a chance. But I had to tread carefully; the slightest jump and my pack would have me out of here in a heartbeat.

Her dark eyes narrowed slightly, as if they were waiting for me to start some speech. Had she heard a lot of speeches? I wouldn't doubt it. Feeling a little lost, I gave her a small wave, not uttering a sound and then without waiting for her response, I sat down right in front of her.

I suddenly wished that I could hear her pulse, know if this proximity was affecting her but then again, it did the previous doctors no good so what good would it do for me?

She was wearing a hospital gown. It hung loosely on her body and reached mid thigh. I took her in, dark circles, pale skin, malnourished and lifeless.

"You look good," I blurted out without thinking, and then a heavy blush settled on my cheeks. Her head whipped to my words before she gave me an incredulous look.

Okaay..I sucked.

"I mean, uh. Since the last time we saw you and all." I altered, but I couldn't keep the heat off my cheeks. What an insensitive thing to say!! Dammit Flora you might just make it worse!

Her gaze was still fixed on me, almost mesmerized that I had to look away. Maybe this was a mistake. I had no idea how to deal with this kind of situation. What was I thinking? I'd just show up here and she would magically start talking?

"Good to know." My head moved so fast I think I got a whiplash. Did she just..

Quickly, I rearranged my features to look as calm as possible, but internally I was buzzing. "I can hear your heart." She informed me and once again, I went red. How did I always always manage to get into these situations! For once, all I wanted to do was to take charge but nooo. That would just not happen.

"That's right, I keep forgetting about this." I admitted, deciding to just give up with any tactics and be honest. I mean obviously, she would see right through me anyway. "You're human," she said suddenly, as if it only just came back to her. Or maybe she didn't know?

"What did you think I was?" I asked, simply keeping the conversation going now. She looked me over once, my uncombed hair, the ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt were not the most interesting thing. "There are tons of other species." She said vaguely but didn't divulge anymore on it. I really really had to start learning more about these other species and werewolves! Ugh.

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