Chapter 4

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A wave of emotions crashed into me. Confusion, Hurt, Anger, and even Love but I focused on anger as I saw my best friend stand there with my mate.

"What are you doing Mikey?" I growled. He just smirked. 

"Protecting you." 

"By betraying me!" He flinched. "You are suppose to be my best friend and you deliberately went against me!" 

He nodded. "To protect you." He said it like I was slow. I felt the anger rise in me. I heard Trevor groan and passed him to Eric. " Take him and place him across the back seat before I hurt him please." He nodded and did as he was told.

"Mikey I going to get in the car now and so help me if you continue this you'll regret being Beta." Before I could move a husky voice spoke.

"How come you feel like an Alpha? I thought Alphas were only boys. And how can you talk to your Beta like that?" Before anyone could move I shifted and pounced at him. His hand instinctively went up to hold me at bay but when he released I wasn't going to hurt him he dropped his hand as I growled at him. I could feel the electricity flowing through us but did my best to ignore it. Everyone there but Clare and Mikey shifted egging me to kill him and end it there. 

"Alpha Silver please don't kill him....." Clare cried out. My eyes widened remembering she was there. The one girl who doesn't look at me like a killing machine. I looked at the girl who I consider my sister and turned my head to the car. She nodded eagerly as Mikey sighed in relief. She ran to the drivers side and opened up the passenger door. I gave Mikey a look telling him we aren't done. As we drove in mostly silence only the occasional whimpers from Trevor as his bones were reshaping from where I slammed my hand through flesh and bone. "I'm sorry I let your secret out Alpha." I turned my head towards her and patted her hand gently

"It's ok I'm not mad at you Clare." She nodded knowing if I was I'd of said so.

"Why does Mikey think he is protecting you?"

I took a deep breathe in. "Will you tell anyone?" I looked around at my friends and saw all of them shake their heads. "He is my mate." Thank god I put my seat belt on because Clare had slammed on the breaks and if i hadn't swung my arm back Angel would have flown through the windshield. "This is why I make you where seat belts." I grumbled giving her a dirty look.

"Sorry." She said guiltily.

"You have a what?!" Clare said the same time Eric shouted. "Shit!"

" The rogue. He is my mate." I repeated again.

" Congrats!" Angel screamed flying at me.

"Angel." She pulled away puzzled. "If I let him mate me I won't be Alpha anymore." Her eyes widened and her mouth shaped into an oh. Eric gripped my arm causing me to look at him.

"We won't let him replace you Tori." His eyes held such certainty I found myself nodding.

" You our only Alpha girl no one will change that but don't cast him out yet you need him." Clare spoke softly as though not to anger me.

" I don't need anybody." I muttered to myself knowing they heard.

"She's right and so is Mikey. You need your mate Tori. Maybe you guys can talk it out and come to an agreement." My head snapped towards Angel.

"NO! I Don't need anyone!" They all flinched but I didn't care. I swung the door open wide and went to take off but before I got to far I heard her say something that made me almost shift through my clothes.

"Then we will have to help Mikey if you can't help yourself." I ran full speed ahead not stopping, not knowing where I was heading just knowing I needed to be there soon. I soon entered into a clearing. in the clearing was a small house next to a creek. I walked towards the creek and slipped my shoes and socks off. Barefoot I climbed down the bank and placed my feet in the water. I don't know how long I sat there watching the water swirl around my toes but soon I noticed it getting dark. I slowly climbed back up the bank not really wanting to leave when I saw a figure walking towards the long abandoned house. I froze watching to see what they were doing.

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