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*****Picture of Matt to the right!!*****


We all went to my Dad's grave and put flowers down and said some words. Mom went first and then Cody stepped up. I waited from a distance and when he was done I walked up to his grave silently. I closed my eyes letting tears fall down my face.

"I really miss you Daddy. Things are going great. Mom's new job is keeping her busy, but I might get a car this year. Cody is getting good grades and staying out of trouble. It's been a total of five years since the day you left us. I know you are happy up there though.... I'm still dating Matt as you can see. Not much to say about that."

I said with a sigh.

"Everything is okay down here and I know everything is okay up there, but we all miss you so much Daddy. I'm probably never going to understand why God had to take you from us... but atleast I know you're happy."

"I uh. I remember that one time when I was about 9... you took me to the zoo on your day off in the summer and mom packed us lunch, cameras, sunscreen, sunglass and waters. I dragged you to see every animal. We spent the whole day together and then you bought me a penguin from the gift shop. Even though I'm almost 17 years old I sleep with him everynight. He reminds me of you Daddy."

I said wiping the tears with my hoodie sleeve.

"I guess I just came here to let you know that I love you sooo much. I love you more than life itself and if I could I would give anything to see your smile again. But not in pictures, your REAL smile......... I miss you Daddy."

I said kissing my fingers and placing them on his grave and walking away.

The drive home was completely quiet. Mom and I silently cryed and Cody sat in the back with out a peep. When I got home I went up stairs to my room.

My room was average. It has a queen size bed on the far side of the room, a tall dresser, a long dresser with a mirror, a gold chair, a desk, a mac laptop and a closet. One wall is white, one wall is turquoise, one wall is a light purple  and one wall is a dark purple. My bed spread is a mixture of many patterns including the colors of my walls and gold.

I got my school stuff ready for tomorrow, plugged in my cell phone and changed into black soffee shorts and a maroon tank top. I layed in bed crying for what seemed like for ever but ended up being about 4 hours. It was 11 so I decided to try and sleep. That failed. I ended up falling asleep sometime around 3 or 4.


(Ally's Dream)

"Matt I'm sorry!"
I yelled crying as he slapped my face hard sending me to hit the concrete and my head.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! Take your punishment! Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time girlfriend!"

He yelled kicking me.


***cough cough*******

I screamed the loudest I could but no one heard me. He punched and kicked me for what seemed like forever. I was laying on the sidewalk in a pool of my own blood, sobbing and trying to choke out words as he stood there laughing at me.

"How could you try and dump me? And then talk to other guys! That's not a good girlfriend... and you get punished when you are not a good girlfriend."

Hand In HandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon