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****** Picture of Chris's sister Bailee!! She's 14 to the right!!******

I have to stay at the hospital one more night and then I can go home tomorrow afternoon. I have to get a lot of bed rest and be checked on every hour or so. My mom and Cody were going to be leaving soon because Cody need to eat dinner, take a bath and go to bed. Kelly left about 15 minutes ago. As I was kissing my mom and Cody goodbye Chris walked through the door in different clothes and holding a backpack. I smiled at him and my mom and Cody left. He came and sat by me setting the bag on the floor.

"What's in there?"

I asked curiously.

"Stuff that I thought you'd like... Candy, magazines, movies, pop. Oh and your mom gave me your phone, IPod and laptop."

He said as my eyes widened.

"You didn't have to do that Chris."

I said honestly.

"Hey I would want someone to bring me that stuff if I was stuck in a hospital all night."

He said with a smile.

"Thank you."

I said hugging him quickly and then he picked up the backpack and set it on the bed. I opened it and pulled out a package of sour gummy worms and kit kat's.


I said grinning and ripped open the package of kit kat's.

He chuckled but I froze and then looked at him.

"Wait. Are we gonna get in trouble?"

I asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Who care's.. Candy ain't gonna kill you."

He teased and I opened a kit kat and broke it in half. I shoved half in my mouth and then gave him the other half.

"Thank you soooo much!! Hospital food is disguisting."

I said as he laughed.

"What movies did you bring?"

I asked.

"Bench Warmers, Grown Ups and Dodge Ball."

He said as I laughed.

"Great choices."

I said thinking of which one I should choose.

"Hmmmm... Bench Warmers."

I said biting my lip.

"Bench Warmers it is."

He said grabbing the movie.

We watched movies and laughed at the stupid parts. After the movie I pulled out my laptop to check Facebook. It took forever because like 900 people posted on my wall because I had almost died. Alot of the posts were really nice. Some made me smile. I liked all of them and then posted that I was fine and thanks to everyone yada yada. Then I went through all of my texts. Most of them were just from friends and family out of town. I threw my phone down and sighed.

It was now 10:00 and my eyes were feeling heavy. We ate all of the candy and drank a whole liter of Dr Pepper. I read all the magazines while he played games on his IPhone. When I finished the 4th magazine I threw it on the floor and turned to Chris.

"How many family members do you have?"
I asked as he turned to me.

"My Mom and Dad, and then 3 little sisters. Bailee is 14, Kristi is 10 and Cassy is 6."

He said smiling.


I said as he looked at me funny.

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