Chapter 7

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Memories swirl through me and take me to another time . . .


I hear his voice surround me as I run away. I can't bear to look at him. Not now. Not after his betrayal.

He promised we could be together. Promised he loved me. Promised...

I crash through the thicket, my body tense. Something else is in this forest with me. Something...wrong.

My head screams danger and I look around. Searching.

Through the trees I notice two yellow eyes.

I freeze, my feet glued to the spot. My heart pounds so loudly I'm sure the wolf can hear it.

What do I do? What do I do?

My mind begins to spin away from me.

"Take her. She's the one I've prepared for you." The voice seems to come from the forest itself. Cold, steady, unearthly. A low, guttural, growl rips through the trees.

My body springs forward and I run. Three steps, that's as far as I get before the wolf is on me, dragging me to the ground.

I open my lips, the sound gone before I can scream. Blinding pain rips through my body. Along with the wolf's teeth . . .

I struggle against the memories, my eyes still locked with Aydan's. Can he see what I see? Does he know what I am?

His face blanches and anguish flashes through his expression. He's gone before I can figure out what's happening. But I already know one truth—

He saw it all.

A hand brushes against my shoulder, bringing me out of my vision. I shove it away, barely holding on to enough control to keep my identity secure. I have to get out of here, get away before everything is lost.

I try to stand. Another hand grabs me, stronger this time. "Are you okay?" The voice of the green-eyed girl. She looks at me. Sees me.

This is so not good.

The bell rings as I grab my books and run from the room.

"Wait. Let me help you," she yells over the din of the other students.

Pieces of memories continue as I run across the quad. I forget to breathe, forget my training. Forget everything.

Everything except the memories that never end.

I reach the back fence, unable to escape myself. I slide down the wall of the old portable classroom, fragments of my life surfacing in my thoughts.

Sentinal's Tear (Book #1 in Requiem Series) [formally titled Lacrimosa]Where stories live. Discover now