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Dread dawned over me as I realised it was the day of sacrifice

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Dread dawned over me as I realised it was the day of sacrifice.

Hearing her footsteps trail away and fade at last, I let out a breathe of relief. Glancing around the room, I noticed the grand clock that read seven in the evening. If they had not delivered the sacrifice by the time the clock struck twelve, the king will unleash hell on all.

A gust of wind hit the back of my neck, making me turn around. Looking for the source, I see a semi-open window which was large enough to fit a malnourished body through. I could see trees surrounding the place we were in, no roads, no sign of anybody.

Running towards the window, I pushed with all my strength to open it. It seemed to be rigged somehow. Pulling a metal rod off the rack, I quickly put the edge of it in between of the window and the wall. Pushing with every ounce of strength in my body, I heard a satisfying click at last.

Wind blew my hair back as I swung my leg over the window, my weak and shaking frame not helping. The clouds look darker than ever before, with rain pouring down accompanied with hail. I shivered as I dropped the couple of feet and ran to God knows where.

I hugged my blue shirt closer to my body as I ran to preserve some heat. My hair and my whole body was soaked and trembling. Bending over, I coughed up my lungs. My throat ached, but I pushed my feet and ran further. I couldn't stop now. Not ever.

A blurriness took over my vision as I leaned against a tree. Gasping for air, I tried to regain my composure and carry on. My lungs were on fire, my bare feet now numb to the pebbles, sticks and icy shards of grass. Running again, my memories fled back to the sight of my mother dying.

She's gone, and what hurts me most is that she died protecting me. She died, because of me. The least I can do is make sure she didn't die in vain. Her blue eyes flashed in my mind, her happy smile and red hair. But that memory has been trampled by the image of her dying.

Vampires were monsters, and there's no denying that. I cannot live the rest of my life with one.

Running further through the dark forest, twigs scratched me and tugged at me. Stones and fallen branches poked scratched away at me.

Animals peered out bushes and trees in curiosity. Howling of wolves could be heard from the distance. The sun fell into the horizon as the sky turn darker shades. My lungs were giving out and my legs were bleeding.

I shivered as my clothes stuck to my skin like a second layer of flesh, the rain getting heavier and more intense. The wind rapidly blew at me, the burn of the coldness being a constant.

Gasping, my knees came in contact with the ground. The stones and rough objects coming in contact with my skin, making me hiss in pain. I screamed out as I could feel my hair being yanked back, exposing my neck.

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