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paulina singer is so pretty omfg

"Wow," I scoffed, pulling my arm out from his hand

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"Wow," I scoffed, pulling my arm out from his hand. Am I an idiot for giving him attitude? Rightfully so.

"I refuse to even acknowledge your existence," I hissed, looking up at his clenching jaw.

"Watch your mouth, slave!" He slammed me against the wall, his hand resting on my shoulder as he towered over me. Suddenly, I felt extremely intimidated.

"Why don't you just compel me to be a submissive little whore? Is that not what you want?" I spat, pushing on his chest. I hit his chest many times, trying to push him off me.

"What's the fun in that?" He smirked, before grabbing my hands in one, and the back of my neck in the other. He pushed me towards the door, and slammed it in my face, but not before saying, "I will punish you for this outburst later."

I'd be lying if I said that his words did not have an affect on me. The chills that grew on my spine were clear evidence of that.

I turned to the five foot seven girl, and raised a brow.

"Follow me," she snapped, her brown eyes glaring into mine with fire.

What is her problem?

Rolling my eyes, I quickly caught up with her pace and strolled down the long corridors, taking different turns and walking up and down the stairs. I couldn't help but admire the beautiful, ancient paintings that clung to the wall in pristine condition, golden framed surrounding them. The walls were a dark red with a purplish tint to it, making them seem more mysterious and eerie than they actually were.

Occasional windows were against the walls, covered by elegant, expensive curtains.

She stopped at the door, and pushed it with struggle, but managed. She huffed out and yelled at me to hurry up, before rushing into the room. I stared in awe at the kitchen.

It had darkened white walls, with beautiful dark wood cabinets, kitchen sink and double fridge to match. It all had rims and accents made of gold, and a diamond chandelier hanging above the long dark wood island, which had black marble laying on top, covering the top of the black wood.

I stared at all the people rushing around the kitchen, some talking while preparing meals and others trembling in fear as they carried golden platters with golden plates and glasses on top.

"Get to work, Tallah will show you what to do," she hissed, pointing to a girl who was leaning on the back of a counter, playing with her fingers.

Her calmness felt out of place in this busy environment, however I appreciated it. Beautiful locks of dark brown hair fell around her head, although they were pushed up into a loose pony tail. Her skin was a sepia color, with stunning doe brown eyes. She glanced at me, and smiled.

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