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"Marianna! I got the human back, now she's in your hands!" He yelled, throwing me against a wall

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"Marianna! I got the human back, now she's in your hands!" He yelled, throwing me against a wall. My back aches as I tried to push myself off it.

The door to the left creaked open, as walked through a woman with auburn  hair and a scowl on her face. She angrily tapped her heels on the floor as she grabbed him by the neck.

"Gus, I fucking told you, bring the girl back today, not a century later!" She screamed, her tall figure nearly at level with his. Clearing her throat, she set him free of her grasp, nodding at the door.

He hurried off, now only a ghost left of his presence.

"Follow me, and if you dare to even think about running away, I will snap your limbs in a second, got it?" She hissed, pulling me by the arm. I had to jog slightly to keep up with her pace.

She kicked a red door open, revealing a room enclosed with black walls and about five full body mirrors lining the left side and five vanities lining the right wall. Dragging me to one of the vanities, she muttered 'sit' under her breath. With about twenty minutes passing, Marianna was becoming exasperated; every minute now seemed to her as so much time stolen. Fear took a ride in her eyes as she hurriedly, but precisely, applied make up to my face and grabbed a hundred different dresses to pick one out from.

In the end, I stood in front of one of the full body mirrors and stared at my reflection. My cascaded in waves down my back. My eyes were such a dull brown colour devoid of any emotion. The make-up applied to my face was light, with concealer rubbed under my eyes and mascara elongating my lashes. The dress I wore was white and ended mid-thigh. It was a simple dress with a lacy pattern adorning it.

I glanced at a small, roughed up armchair which faced an open window. Into this I sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that tormented my body and seemed to reach right into my soul.

"We have to go," Marianna announced, gripping my upper arm and dragging me out the room. With one last look at my reflection, I turned my head and followed her out of a door which led to the outside. The wind has settled, the rain nothing but a reminder on the wet ground. Before being even to place one foot outside, I was thrown into the backseat, with both my hands tied. Scoffing, I sat up. She glared at me through the mirror, daring me to attempt moving.

A tumultuous roar was ignited by the engine, signalling that the car was moving. Darkness surrounding us and the forest and wild animals that we drove past became a blur with the car rocking side to side from the uneven ground. Throwing my head back I let a million thoughts flood my mind. The cold stare of my mother's corpse, the stinging of the tight rope, and the fear that rattled me to my deep core. I was terrified in all honesty, I knew where I was being taken. I have heard many stories of how this can roll out. I will be killed on spot for not being suited for the King. Or I will be enslaved for the rest of my life. I began thinking the latter was more due for me.

Looking back out of the window, I gulped. There was a darkness, and I am not talking about the physical kind. Shaking, I folded my arms, trying to retain some warmth from escaping. On the glass reflected my face, my fear filled eyes, my quivering lip and my cheeks which were paler than before.

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