Chapter 10

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Everyone gets out of practice. Gordon was taking a little bit long because he had to help with something so you decided to go skate and wait for him. You felt like someone was watching you but you let it go because it was probably just nothing.

Luis- I watched her skate and with her hair just blowing beautifully. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I can't believe me Luis Mendoza the player was finally falling for someone and know one could understand or stop me from what I'm feeling. Y/n is the only girl I want to myself, I don't want her as a 1 night stand. I actually want her to be mine more than a 3 month relationship. I want a forever relationship with her. I'm in love I can't believe it! I know my mom and papa would love her she's everything a guy could want. Her personality, the way she put others before herself and when she talks about something she loves her eyes get this spark and her laugh, oh my its like music. I can't believe that I only want her. Mindy can go f*** herself I don't care about her. She only comes to me when her "boyfriend" gets tired of her. I want to get to know y/n better and hopefully she becomes mine because that would be a dream come true.

Your prov- I was done skating and Tio Gordon still wasn't out. This talk was taking forever and it was 7:40pm. I put the things away and I went to go sit on the bench. I saw someone sitting there so I just decided to go join them. Luis? What are you still doing here, I thought you left around 7:00?

Luis- No, but you look lonely so I'll wait here with you and when Coach Gordon comes out I'm leaving.

Your prov- Aww thanks for not leaving me alone.

Luis- No problem. Hey y/n can I ask you something?

Your prov- Sure Luis I don't care ask away.

Luis- Well um would you..... Would you like to....

Your prov- Like to what?

Luis- I know this is super fast but would you like to go out sometime? Go on a date with me?

Your prov- Wow umm Luis....

Luis- Its okay if you don't want to because we just met or if you don't want to at all.

Your prov- No its fine. I would love to go on a date with you.

Luis- Really!?

Your prov- Yes really, I would love to go on a date with you.

Luis- Yesss! I mean bitchin.

Gordon- Sorry pumpkin that I took forever.

Your prov- No its fine Tio you where busy with some things I understand.

Luis- Well um Coach Gordon could I ask you something?

Gordon- Go ahead Mendoza.

Luis- Would it be okay if I could take your niece out next week?

Gordon- She just got here and you already fell for her beauty and the way she sees things differently didn't you Luis?

Luis- Yes, I did.

Gordon- Well Luis I don't mind it looks like the old you is coming back. So yes you have my permission.

Luis- Thank you so much. I promise to love her and treat her right and ilk make sure nothing bad will happen.

Gordon- Good because you would be kicked off the team and than I would ruin you.

Luis- I'm scared.

Cordon- Good, but I trust you so we will be fine.

Your prov- Tio let's go.

Gordon- Alright kiddo I'm going to go warm up the car.

Your prov- Alright Tio.

Luis- Your Tio has no problem with me taking you out.

Your prov- Well good.

Luis- Alright see ya l/n (last name)

Your prov- See ya later Mendoza. Wait Luis!

Luis- Yes?

You went up to Luis and hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Your prov- See ya later and goodnight.

Luis- Goodnight.

With that you walked out and got in the car with your Tio. You guys drove off, Luis got in his car and started thinking. What is this girl doing to me?

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