Chapter 1

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Vania POV

I walked into Hans' shop. I saw Charlie running to me, "Hey V. Guess what,"Charlie whispered, smiling big. I nod my head.

Let me introduce myself. I'm Vania Nobel. I'm friends with the Ducks ever since the Pee Wee Hockey Games. I haven't talked a lot since I was younger when my parents went missing. The cops thought that they left me but there was enough proof that they were kidnapped. That happened after Coach Bombay said sorry to us. I have been staying with the Conway's ever since. But I didn't say much since I missed my parents. I was extremely close to them. They were my safe haven. Charlie has been very patient with me. Mostly because I have nightmares about them.

"Coach Bombay is back" Charlie replies, nodding his head towards the back of the room of the shop. I just smile and jump up and down.

"Come on. Let's work on things for Jan." Charlie smiled and put his arm around me along kissing my forehead.

We aren't a thing. Charlie is gay. He has been liking Adam ever since he joined the Ducks.

We went towards the sharpening skates area. I just sit in a chair and watch as Charlie sharpens the skates. I just clean them.

"Put your glasses on V. because there is about to be some lighting in here" Charlie told me while very dramatically putting on his.

Charlie jokes around me a lot since most of the time I am just about my parents . It's hard to think that one day your mom is tucking you into bed and your dad is singing you to sleep from another day having your best friend laying next to you being that shoulder for you to cry on from how much you miss your parents. Charlie is very overprotective of me.

I just giggle at him. Charlie just smiled big at me. "I like hearing your giggle or laugh V" Charlie came over and kissed my forehead. I just smile softly at him. When he started to sharpen it made a huge noise. I just pointed at Coach Bombay who just jumped. Charlie smiled and took my arm gently. He pulled me towards the back room.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Charlie asked while opening the door .

"Hey, Charlie and Vania" Coach Bombay whispered getting up

"Hey, Coach. It's good to see you." Charlie hugs Coach Bombay and after Coach hugs me too.

"For breakfast, my specialty:Jan's hasen-" Jan walks in with a plate of food.

"Hasenpfeffer and eggs." Charlie and Coach Bombay finish his sentence. I just smile at them. It's nice having Coach Bombay back

"Yeah. I thought I smelled something burning." Coach Bombay said jokingly.

"I see you've met my new apprentice." Jan pointed at Charlie and me. We all sat down. I sat next to Charlie and put my head on his shoulder.

"Jan told me you did this job when you were our age." Charlie told Coach Bombay

"That's right. I hope he pays you more than he paid me." Coach Bombay started to eat.

"You got paid?" Charlie asked, very shocked. Since we don't get paid.

"Eat, everybody, before the hasenpfeffer gets cold." Jan butts in

"You guys should go home. I have Gordon here to help me with anything I need. " Jan told us after Coach Bombay has eaten his breakfast

"Okay call us if you need anything. Come on V." Charlie stood up and took my hand. I stand up as well. We walked to Charlie's house.

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