Chapter 7

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Vania POV

Next Day

Tibbles took us to this middle side room to eat breakfast. We sat down. While we are eating Tibbles got some men to bring this huge thing that was cover with a black blanket.

"Ducks look at this" Tibbles said and took the black blanket. It's was a huge box with our pictures in it.

"Hey, Y'all. That's us!" Dwayne said very naively. "Duh, whattaya know?" Fulton made fun of him. I hit Fulton in the head.

"Today, it's a Wheaties box. Tomorrow, it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes. The sky is the limit. Now, just to make sure that everybody knows who you are... try on one of these." Tibbles pull out a jersey. Which got me and Charlie confused. There's no Duck or color of our old jersey

"Oh, that's so cool!" Someone said.

"Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix... for all your hockey needs. Fulton, there you go. Coach. Everybody take your own. I'm not gonna give 'em out to everybody." Tibbles continue and suddenly everyone digs in expect Charlie and me. I sat next to Charlie.

"That's nice, Coach, but we're Ducks. This stuff says "Hendrix" all over it." Charlie told Coach Bombay while looking at out new jersey

"Well, yeah, they're our sponsors, Charlie." Coach Bombay reply

"So what? Can't we be U.S.A Ducks? Or at least keep our own colors?" Charlie said back

"It's business stuff, Charlie. Don't worry about it." Coach Bombay reply

Charlie turns to me."Do you like this new jersey" he asked. I just shook my head and made a face. "So what's new" Charlie asked. I just shrug my shoulder.

"Oh come on .I'm your best friend. I know when you have a crush on someone. I know for a fact that you like Luis. " Charlie reply. I just slap my hand over his mouth. "One doesn't speak too loud. Plus he wouldn't take an interest in me anyways" I said quietly. And I slowly put my hand down.

" I was right" Charlie brag."But come on V. You are a genuine one of the most beautiful girl I know besides my mom." Charlie reply to me. I just sigh. " I don't know I just not the average person for him" Charlie put his hand over my shoulder. " Then why is Luis looking over here. And also making a face that he's jealous and if looks could kill. I would be dead." Charlie whispered in my ear. I just roll eyes and stand up to get my jersey.

When I got there I saw only Charlie jersey, I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around and saw Luis with my jersey in his hand. " I was got give you yours but I saw you and your boyfriend being all cuddly. I didn't want to disrupt you guys" Luis point at Charlie who was talking with Adam. I'm not surprised.

"He's not my boyfriend" I answer. He looked a bit relief. Or it just my eyes playing tricks on me. "Well you looked very close" Luis looked down while rubbing his neck.

" We are close but not dating," I reply sitting at an empty table. Luis sat next to me quickly. "So um do you have a boyfriend or something," Luis asked sitting next to me.

I just shook my head. Luis just smiles at me and nod.

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