Chapter 9

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Vania POV

Next Day

We woke up around 4 : 00 in the morning. Since our plane to Los Angeles broads at 6. They told us to be there two hours before it broads. So Casey woke the four of us up. We all got dressed and got our suitcase. Luis took mine before I could even put a hand on it. Charlie just nudged me and I rolled my eyes. We all met each other in the airport. When we went to get our tickets. Tibbles arrived and told us to come with him. He took us to this huge room with a bunch of couches.

Adam gets taken away from Charlie to this couch. Everyone just starts to run to the couches and talk. Since we got here for two hours. Might even get comfortable. I sat on this corner couch alone and started reading some books that my dad owned. Luis sat next to me. " So what are you reading? " Luis asked, looking at my book.

I just showed him the cover of the book. He gave me this confused face. " You're reading the biography of Alexander Hamilton " he asked. " Um dad was reading this book. He was a unique person, let's say that. But yeah. I'm reading this book of one of our founding fathers. " I looked down knowing I was blushing. " Don't be embarrassed," Luis said quickly. I just nod. After a minute of silence between us. "So is it good?" Luis asked quietly. " Surprisingly yeah it is " I nod and looked at Luis.

" Well I'm too lazy to read. Why don't you tell me the story of Hamilton, " Luis suggested. I just smile softly and nod. " Sure " Luis gave me the sign to continue.

" So umm Hamilton was an orphan. His father left and his mother died. Then one night a hurricane came and destroyed his town. So he thought of writing down what he saw and heard. Since his letter was so perfectly written. They published it in the new paper. So many people read what he wrote. So they raised money to send him to America. They thought that he was too much of a genius to be stuck on an island. So he did go to college. He was so smart that he finished in two years. He then later became a soldier. He met his rival Aaron Burr. Along with his three friends. When George Washington came to lead the fight against Great Britain. He said that he needed a right hand man. Which was Hamilton. Anyways between wars. He met his wife Elizabeth Schuyler. They fell in love and got married. Anyways umm Hamilton went back to the war. But what he didn't know was that Elizabeth was pregnant. So he returned to being a baby boy. They named him Phillip. Anyway, years after Thomas Jefferson came to America. And basically argue like cats and dogs. He cheats on Eliza and he published a letter saying to the public what he did. Some dude spoke badly of Hamilton. Phillip didn't like it and duel him. Phillip dies. And three years later Aaron Burr duels Hamilton and Hamilton dies." I explained.

Luis just stares at me. " That got to be the longest you have spoken," Luis said. I just blush and nod. I continue the book. I'm in the end. I'm just reading everything Elizabeth did after Hamilton died.

Tibbles called us to get in this airplane for just us Ducks and the three adults. It's a three seats. So I sat with Luis and Kenny. 

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