Chapter two...

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It's been a week, the funeral passed, we started to pack out belongings. We have to move into our Aunt's house, in London.

A week and it isn't any less painful. Me, Henry and Angel all sleep in the same bed, for reassurance and just to know that we aren't alone. He stopped going to football practice, our parents would go to every game, and he goes to school whereas I stay home and look through our parents stuff, the memories make it seem like they aren't gone completely... I'll see them soon.

Around 3 in the afternoon I recognise the breeze from the front door brush past me, I turn to see Henry and our Aunt, she looks just as sad. She did just lose her sister and brother-in-law.

She has daughters, they are beautiful but are in no way what I expected. I felt they would be sympathetic as we stepped through the door of their home. But no, I was greeted by annoyed expressions and a horrid comment from the eldest.

"Oh, look the deaf orphan." Melissa, the older one said, arms over her chest. The younger, Sarah, laughed.

She laughed.

She. Actually. Laughed.

Do you even know how much that hurts?

I didn't stay longer, I ran. I didn't know where I was going, we were on the outskirts of London but it was still too far for me to run to the forests.

My safe place... back in the south, the forest behind our house. I would go when my parents had an argument or if the silence became too much. It was beautiful, the small lake surrounded by bluebells, we skated on it in winter when it became cold enough. I miss that. We won't ever be back there, that place can hold too many memories.

I ran again, pausing only momentarily to look at signs or take a breath.

Running is what I'm used to. I ran competitively and I ran from the hospital the day of the appointment now I'm running from the small piece of family I have left.

I looked to the signs, 'Victoria line.' The trains. They can get me away from here, I feel my pockets I have money.

I can get out of here, I run down the stairs but stop at the end.

What about Henry?

What about Angel?

I'm not alone... I have my family... I shouldn't... no, I can't.

Henry and Angel are my family, I don't need my bitch cousins.

I turn abruptly and run back up, head down ignoring the world. Something falls from my pocket as I bump into a stranger.

I leave and look around, St. James park, I know where that is. I find my way from the crowd and to a less crowded area, I jump when a hand falls onto my shoulder. I spin round quickly and am face to face with a heavy breathing man... holding my phone.

He looks up to me.

"This i-is yours right?" he asks holding the phone. I nod still staring at his face.

He is older, more handsome and looks like a business man. The man in front of me who ran to stop me just to return my phone.

I'm brought back to reality as he snaps his fingers in front of my eyes, his lips are moving a million miles an hour and I can't catch any words. He looks annoyed at me.

Oh no.

"What?" I read.

I move my hand to my ear and point, shaking my head, hoping to god he understands.

"You're deaf?" he questions. Thank god. I nod quickly. He begins to sign with his hands.

'You should be more careful in London, You never know who's there.' He finishes and I look up to him with wide eyes. I know sign language, it was the first thing I did when I got the news.

'I'm trying to get away, no need to be careful.' I sign back.

'Running from what?' he asks, his large hand grabs mine and he pulls me into an small coffee shop. He lets go, I feel colder at the loss of his large, warm hand.

'Who said I was running from something?' I reply, he gave me a tell-tale look. 'My family, they are all assholes, my brother is still there.'

'Okay, who are you?' he asks. I question whether to tell him my name or not. I go against safety and tell him.

'Joshua Crane, who are you?' he nods.

'I'm Matthew Johnson. I live here, do you want me to take you somewhere?'

I know that name... maybe someone from school had the name. Wait... he was on the tv, I don't know what they were saying but it looked important.

'St. James park' I look up to him in hope, he smiles.

No one has smiled at me without any sadness in so long, the kind of smile that my heart beats for, the smile where there is no hidden judgement or sympathy... a true smile.

He nods and ushers me out of the now crowded coffee shop, relief floods through me as I see the crowds beginning to disperse. Matthew taps my on the shoulder and motions for me to follow him.

I follow his command.

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