Chapter twenty-five...

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Its 17th March.

My birthday.

I'm turning 18... I'm finally free.

I'm back in the house; Henry, aunt Mag, Uncle Tim and Melissa are here. Sarah is still at boarding school so she won't be back until summer. Matthew is coming over later and Henry and I are going out to drink with him, I can't wait.

We've had cake and stuff, I got sketchbooks and some new paints from Henry, some new books from my aunt and uncle. It was amazing, I didn't think I would get anything. Even Matthew got me a gift!

He brought me into the city and took me on the London Eye and to Madame Tussuades, I had an amazing day and we held hands throughout, not caring about anyone else.

I'm currently in the back of a car with Matthew and Henry, we are on our way to Annabel's, it's the most prestigious club according to Henry and you have to be members to get in. I tried to get Matthew to stop because in reality any bar or club was fine, he was having none of it though. He said something about keeping us safe because he's worried and stuff, it was cute but this place is crazy expensive.

When we got there I was in awe, not only was the building outside amazing the inside was incredible. We were led to Matthew's 'usual' room... so he has been here before, he said he never comes in...liar...

We sit around and have drinks for a couple hours, I don't feel so worried anymore. I'm actually having a fairly nice time.

I left to go to the bathroom, Henry and Matthew were having a conversation so I didn't interrupt.

Making my way through the busier club area, I was directed to the toilets by a neon light on the wall. I made it and quickly went about my business, ignoring the other guys here.

I finished my business and was about to wash my hands when I was shoved against the wall, pain flashed through my back as I closed my eyes.

I opened them to be met with two guys, smirking devilishly. My eyes widened as one walked to the door and locked it...


"So, you just wanted to ignore us, huh?" he said, I shook my head and pointed to my ears. He laughed. Oh god.

"What do you think, you wanna have some fun with us?" he held onto my chin. I shook my head desperately, sweat started to form on my forehead.

"Oh that's not very nice. I think we should." I shake my head again, I try and yell most likely only coming out as strangled sounds. "What? Cat got your tongue?" he laughed again.

He moved and launched his fist at my face, I tried to block it but his grip on me froze any movements. As the punch landed I slumped slightly. Was this really going to happen?

I struggled against his grip on me, I tried pushing him away but in that moment all the strength I ever had escaped me.

The tears rained down my cheeks as he raised a fist again, I prayed. I prayed to every god there is that someone would stop this. I locked eyes with the other guy who held a sinister smirk, he was watching the door.

There was no escape. I began to slump to the floor.


No. I don't give up, not today.

I began kicking and thrashing around in his hold. I could tell neither were 100% sober so that increases my chances slightly.

His grip loosened and I took the chance to push him away from me, I hastily rushed to the door as the guy was on the floor. The door guy blocked my way and I did the only thing I thought of and kicked him in the balls, no way am I stopping now. I unlocked the door and rushed through the crowds, I knocked into a girl and she turned to me. She must have seen the tears on my face as she pulled me to the side of the club.

"Are you okay?" she asks. I shake my head and quickly point to my ears, hoping desperately she understands. Nodding she signs, 'Are you here with someone?'

I nod and sign that we were in a private room.

She begins walking away with me, I glance back and see security at the bathroom. She signs different questions to me and I answer with nods. We get to the private rooms and I take her inside with me, as soon as Henry and Matthew see my tear stained face they rush over. Henry asks me rapid fire questions he doesn't give me a chance to answer.

I turn to the girl again and watch as she talks to Matthew, she turns to me and signs her name 'Betzy'. I reply with mine, she smiles and says 'bye' to us all and leaves. Thank god for her, I never would've gotten back here otherwise.

I turned back to Henry and burst into tears, I leant into him and cried so hard.

I need him right now, I don't care what happens to those guys but right now I just want my brother.

A/N Okay, there isn't many more chapters because I want to finish how I wanted it. Also I just added my friend as an extra character because she a hoe and a good fren. 

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