Chapter eighteen...

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I stayed at home for a few days, Henry and Maggie stayed with me... unfortunately.

I was happy, I finally felt like I was whole again.

I was in my room, I was in my house, it was my forest, garden and kitchen. This is where I grew up, with a crazy older brother and amazing parents.

I knew I'd overreacted with Henry but I am right, I know this is my home and I do want to be with him but I don't want it to be there.

My mum, she was beautiful. Long blonde hair that set in waves, always pulled into a ponytail atop her head. She was tall, I was never 100% sure what she did for a job but I know she sold her paintings for lots. She taught me to draw, I learnt everything from her.

My dad, though loving, he scared me sometimes. He had dark brown hair, similar to Henry's, it was curly and stood in a quiff. His eyes though, bright blue like mine, they held so much emotion. He was a doctor, always wanted to be. He and mum met at school, college romance I guess.

Everything went south when I hit 15, Henry was 17, the accident was around 2 and a half years ago. I'm 17 now, almost 18. Henry being 20 now. The crash was crazy, it was a good day we were having an amazing time. Then suddenly a truck was swerving into us, mum screamed, dad tried swerved...

It was horrible timing, I had unclipped my seatbelt in the back to grab my phone from Henry... I flew out my window, hit my head on a tree. Mum, dad and Henry rushed from the car. I was laying on the floor clutching my head, the car had hit a tree but everyone was okay bar a few cuts and bruises.

After that I was diagnosed, and then a couple years later, my parents died in a crash. It's like someone was out to get them. Then we moved out of the only place I felt welcomed, and into the demon house.

And now...

Well, now I'm on a train back home. I refused to go in Aunt Mag's car, no way in hell. They would try and interrogate me.

I sat in silence, taking in the bustling people around me. A tap on my shoulder brought my attention to a confused looking woman with a baby. She gestured to the empty seat beside me, I replied with a nod.

She took a seat and placed the baby on her lap, said child was wearing a blue hat and dark sweats, paired with brown boots and a dark blue jumper. The baby looked to me and sent a two-toothed smile my way. I responded with a wave. I turned to the woman, she looked relaxed and happy. She looked to me, I motioned to my ears and shook my head. It seemed she understood straight away and began waving her hands, I suppose, apologising.

I took paper from my bag and wrote down. 'It's okay, don't worry. What's his name?' I passed it to her, she smiled softly. I handed her the pen, 'Joshua' she wrote neatly. I looked at her wide-eyed, 'Reeally??' I wrote.


'that's my name too' she smiled at my reply.

'He's 18 months old, I love him to death already.' I laughed lightly.

'How old are you? No offense intended but you look really young.' I wrote carefully, not wanting to be rude.

'It's fine, I'm actually 17. Bad party choice.' I nodded.

'I'm 17 too.'

'Cool where are you headed?'

'London, I am staying there.'

'Ooh nice, can I have your number?? Not in a pick-up way but just because I'd like a friend in London.'

'sure, *random number *'


The casual conversation continued to flow after that... until she wrote we were in London. I glanced out the window, surprised. I saw Matthew.

He had to go back after the first day for work so I hadn't seen him in a couple days, I know it isn't long but he gave me the comfort I refused from everyone else.

Katie, I had found out sometime during the conversation, had already gotten off the train as I turned to leave too. I made my way from the train, grabbing my bag and phone. I left the carriage and looked up to meet Matthew's green eyes. Those eyes that didn't look to me in sympathy, I smiled. For the first time in a few days, I smiled truly.

"How are you?" he asked, grabbing my bag and slinging it over his shoulder. It was at this time I realised he was not in a suit, don't get me wrong he looked amazing in a suit but hot damn; he was wearing a muscle tee and dark jeans then paired with combat boots.

'I'm okay.' I replied to his question once I remembered.

"Good, let's go?" I nodded and followed him to his car, we got in and he turned to me.

We made our way home in a comfortable silence. He pulled up outside a really, really, expensive apartment building, my mouth fell open.

He lives here?

In one of the most expensive apartment blocks in London?

Oh my god... I have good taste.

No I'm kidding.


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